RBOnly:Minutes 2004 02 11

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Minutes for RedBrick committee meeting 11/02/2004

  Location: L240
  Time: 2.30pm
  Persons present:
  Chairperson: Dave (emperor)
  Secretary:   Cillian (cns)
  Treasurer:   Séamus (mael)
  Events:      Tina (dramaq)
  PRO:         Aisling (aeris)
  Helpdesk:    Ning (sunshine)
  Helpdesk:    Eoin (cambo)
  Helpdesk:    Una (keloe)
  Admin:       Martin (prolix)
  Admin:       Dermot (dizer)
  Persons excused:
  Webmaster:   Declan (skyhawk)
  Admin:       Martin (tuama)
  Persons absent:
  Other people present:
   1. Review of minutes from last meeting
      Not done.
   2. Agenda for this meeting
        1. Alt Rag Ball
           All organised. Allocated EUR500 from SPC. Cost breakdown:
           EUR250 deposit, EUR110 sound engineer, EUR130 in-house DJ,
           EUR60 backing tracks, EUR40 dice. About EUR600 overall.
           Deposit refundable if more than 150 people arrive. Doors open
        2. Other events
           Talk by Ciaran O'Riordan organised for Wednesday 25th
           February, 2-3pm in QG15. To be announced to members
           immediately. Need to get gift (i.e. alcohol) for speaker.
        3. Admin stuff
           Move to deathray progressing slowly. Enigma now online with
           new IDE disks, backup rsync of other servers started. Some
           junk from room thrown out, more to follow. Soekris box &
           multiport serial card to be ordered soon, on Dermot's CC.
        4. Helpdesk tutorials
           Starting 3rd week (PHP). Need to check room is booked.
        5. Decide weekly meeting time
           Same as last semester, 6pm Mondays.
   3. Any other business
        1. AGM
           Discussed potential candidates.
        2. RedBrick Affinity Credit Card
           Not possible with AIB here, they need 5,000-10,000 people for