RBOnly:Minutes 2003 10 20

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Minutes for RedBrick committee meeting 20/10/2003

  Location: L221
  Time: 7pm
  Persons present:
  Chairperson: Dave (emperor)
  Secretary:   Cillian (cns)
  Treasurer:   Séamus (mael)
  Events:      Tina (dramaq)
  PRO:         Aisling (aeris)
  Webmaster:   Declan (skyhawk)
  Helpdesk:    Ning (sunshine)
  Helpdesk:    Eoin (cambo)
  Helpdesk:    Una (keloe)
  Admin:       Martin (tuama)
  Admin:       Martin (prolix)
  Admin:       Dermot (dizer)
  Persons excused:
  Persons absent:
  Other people present:
   1. Review of minutes from last meeting
      Last minutes from 2003-10-13 passed.
   2. Agenda for this meeting
        1. Halloween Event
           Set for Tuesday 28th, upstairs Slipper. Fancy dress
        2. Tutorials
           1st tutorial (introduction to rb) on tomorrow, LG25, 7pm.
        3. Grant Form
           This is to be all cleared up by Wednesday.
        4. Newbie Involvement
           Noted newbie activity seems to be up from last year. #lobby
           channel should be for redbrick members only.
   3. Any other business
        1. grimnar's post
           We're not censors but a mail should be sent to Colin to
           inform him of the complaints we received.
        2. SU
           Perhaps look for token contribution of some kind for the free
           services we provide? (hosting of website etc.). Also
           possibility of ticket allocations for events etc.
        3. Next meeting
           Monday 6pm, to cater for Seamus who has STOCS.