RBOnly:Minutes 2002 11 04

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Minutes of Meeting, 04th November 2002.

Present: Mark C., Shane, Nikki, Carla, Declan, David, Cillian, Eoin

Absent: Dermot, Grainne, Andrew, Mark Dunne.

Also Present: Daire (gumibear)

0.1 Microsoft

- Gumibear talked about origianl plan for a box with with Win2k server & IIS installed, with possible view to expansion. - We may have possible speakers from MS on .NET - this is more likely to come to pass. - Hardware issue stalled ? There was a lengthy explanation. - Questions were asked about the box; do we just need software?

0.2 SPC Grant / SU

- Nikki, Carla and Andrew met with Imelda today. Imelda knew nothing worthwhile, there will be another meeting tomorrow. - Could quite possibly get second HDD. - Discussed people to approach on the SPC. Mark recommended getting our grant form again and going through it with Kate Marquis. - SU sponsorship cheque has been mislaid, nikki will get after Una Redmond about this. - Additions to grant form - barcode reader.

0.3 Events

- SoSuMe is booked for the 7th November. Free food, with name tagging suggested as a good idea. - Ask Grainne to mail us acc. statement. - There will be no tickets.

- Socs Ball - secured 110 tickets, maybe another 100. - We need to send around a mail about socs ball/SoSuMe/helpdesk tutorials

- Intersocs Event, pencilled in for the 20th Nov. - Free venue? - Shane made aware of posters. - Regarding the xmas event, POD was mooted as a venue, it having drinks promos and resident DJs.

0.4 Standing Orders

*) Phil's Minutes SO - Passed *) Open Redbrick Committee List - Not Passed. (Cillian recommended a trial list and mentioned some examples in the past of bad decisions) (Mark wants members more involved & encourage department discuss lists) *) Mark's SO regarding weekly meetings. - these have been delayed for now, with a provisional date set for Thursdays. *) Discussed Open Meetings - Cambo, Kamili, Mark made points. It will be taken to the list though first. *) Committee meetings should be starts promptly, and the secretary will take attendance - Passed. *) Committee members will speak in turn - decided not to have this as an SO.

As an aside; Committe list must be responded to. Nikki/ Andrew repliers. We shouldn't ignore mails.

0.5 Skip/ Disposal

- The batteries need disposing of ASAP.

0.6 SSL Cert

- We have to talk to DCU CSD guy to sign a form.

- EZtrust not an actual recognised secure SSL cert provider.

0.7 Any Other Business

- Mass hey Standing Order was passed.

- Amendments issue will be left until Andrew is present.

- Nikki is sorry for the College View issue, and our lack of official response.

- Hepldesk tutorials are going fine. Helpdesk lads had a discussion. Jerry said that he will do his talk later in the year.

- The Room: Nikki has been unable to contact Richie Kelly at all. We (as usual) still need to pester him about this room.

- Compsoc is irrelevent (!)

- IRC policy: Everyone is to read it and we can talk about it possibly next week.

- Canoe Club asked for a new urban kayaking account.

- Posters for HTML tutorial tomorrow to attract clubs and societies.

- Cillian suggests more backups be done. Also a regimented way of finding out society/club cmte members for passwords.

- Get webmail started for clubs and societies.

- St. Pats students - Nikki to talk to SPC about this tomorrow, numbers to be confirmed (about 250).

- Cillian mentioned the admin training thing. Discussed how to get people actually working on UNIX boxes we can afford to destroy.

- Accounts are to be disabled December 1st (approx) Cillian recommends against deleting old old ones just yet.