RedBrick Ubuntu LiveCD
Booting The CD
Put the disk in your computer, and restart.
Hopefully ubuntu will automatically start from the CD. If it doesn't you'll have to choose boot from CD manually. Instructions on how to do this will vary depending on computer manufacturer. On most dell (and many other computers) pressing F12 while the dell logo is displayed during boot up will allow you to select "Boot from CD".
Starting Ubuntu
After a few seconds the language selection screen will appear. Choose a language you can speak. For the purpose of this tutorial we've decided to use english. Press enter to continue here.
Even if you're planning to install Ubuntu, we'd recommend you launch the full desktop and run the installer from there. Ensure "Try Ubuntu without any change to your computer" is selected (it'll be in white text), and press enter to continue.
Because Ubuntu is loading entirely from CD it will take a few minutes to load. This is perfectly normal, and this loading screen will display during this time.
The Ubuntu Desktop
If all has gone well the ubuntu desktop will now be displayed on your screen.
The Help icon will bring you to this website (, and the RedBrick icon will open a new connection to redbrick.
The install link will install ubuntu to your hard disk. For more information on this see Installing Ubuntu on your computer. Don't do this unless you've backed up all important files and you're sure you want to continue.
Using Java
Open up a terminal from the applications menu
Gedit is a simple text editor. Running "gedit" will allow us to use it to write a simple java program.
This is a very simple java program, that prompts the user to enter a number and print it out on the screen. Close gedit once you've written your test program.
Run "javac" to compile the program, and then "java Test" to run it. Hopefully it should run perfectly.