<a name="top">
[ January: ]
2nd - carbon:: 15:55:30 up 140 days, 21:14, 82 users
[ February: ]
7th - The DCU swimming pool and new gym opened for business.
Students now had to pay membership to use the gym instead of pay per use.
16th - Redbrick E.G.M
Location: QG15
Time: 6:30
Admin Test Results
ryaner 57%
halenger 51%
atlas 50%
Only Halenger ran and he was elected
Helpdesk Test Result
igy 65%
Only Igy ran and he was elected
And finally only aeris ran for secretary so in a shocking turn of events she too was elected. ;)
16th - Alt Rag Ball
Held in the New Bar and Venue.
[ March: ]
[ April: ]
[ May: ]
[ June: ]
[ July: ]
18th - First Redbrick Football session (7.30pm, Albert College Park). Attendees: amz, art_wolf, david, emperor, huskerdu, kpodesta, magluby, shadow, singer, singer2 ("Peter"), tibor.
21st - Timeline
The Timeline was moved to RB Wiki.
[ August: ]
[ September: ]
[ October: ]
[ November: ]
[ December: ]
[[[Rbwiki_TimeLine2004|TimeLine2004]] 2004]
[[[Rbwiki_TimeLine2006|TimeLine2006]] 2006]
[#top Back to top]
-- Main.JohnDoyle - 21 Jul 2005