RBOnly:Minutes 2005 09 29

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Redbrick Committee Meeting Minutes 29-09-2005

Present: Michelle, Una, Charlie, Dave, Ken, Stephen(ryaner), Jes, Eoghan, Simon Absent: Stephen(igy), Bernard

Matters Arising

There were no matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting.

Helpdesk Timetable

The date for the first redbrick tutorial is to be on wednesday 12th of October at 4pm. This tutorial is about "How to use redbrick".

The timetable for the rest of the tutorials is to be done by next week.

Charlie volumteered to talk to the bar about letting us have refreshments in the bar.

Grant App

Since we have no ents officer we couldn't decide how much we needed.

Helpdesk haven't decided how much they need yet.

The admins need an IP-KVM, Shelf, Rails, Mac Mini, Powerstrip, serial cables and a labeler.

Freshers Ball

Posters have already been made, we just need a 3rd band. Jes said she would talk to music soc.

For advertising we decided to have a table in the hub on the 10th of October between 11 and 3 to take new signups and generally remind people about the ball. Also, we'll be giving out flyers on C&S days to advertise it.

All committee members will be at the ball except Stephen(ryaner) and ken will have to leave early.

C&S Days

For publicity we've enlisted an army of helpers to help out the monday before C&S day

Availability - everyone put their names and times they're avail on C&S day down on a sheet of paper and michelle will email us a timetable in the next few days.

Freebies - some ideas for freebies were stickers, lollies, crisps and coke

Raffle - we decided on one big prize for the raffle, an iPod nano. Advertisied at C&S day and the winner announced at the freshers ball.


We decided on screen printing on t-shirts and decided not to go with 10th anniversary t-shirts. As for hoodies, etc we decided to leave them for the moment.

Intersocs Officer

Jes takes over as intersocs officer from eoghan.

Any Other Business

EGM - decided to have the EGM the tuesday after the freshers ball(week 4), and the helpdesk exam will be the day before