RBOnly:Minutes 2005 11 28

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RedBrick Committee Meeting Minutes 28-11-2005

Present: Michelle, Jes, Dave, Charlie, Eoghan, Dara, Stephen(Ryaner), Ken, Simon, Stephen(Igy), Una Absent: Karl

Ice Skating

Only Jes and ken have e-mailed dara about attending Ice Skating. Eoghan and charlie also plan to attend.

Christmas Event

Music Soc approached Drama Soc about getting involved in the christmas event. Advertising to be done up by this thursday. Jes needs to talk to Drama about new posters. Eoghan suggested doing "whos line is it anyway?" and he'll talk to dramabob about it. Charlie says that Doc wants to be santa for the event. Ken will work with the other socs to make posters. Dara is to sort out the santa outfit. it was decided that each society involved should contribute €100 for presents. Dara and jes are to buy and put up decorations.

Tech Week Organistation

Dara and charlie have been e-mailing .net people for tech week but haven't had a response yet. Una is to send an e-mail to CA for speakers. Eoghans dog ate his e-mail but he'll do it tomorrow. Charlie is to talk to Elaine about paypal. Dara is to mail the other socs involved. Simon will e-mail the IDGA for speakers. KPMG are going to give us some speakers for tech week and we needed to come up with some ideas for topics they could talk about. Simon wants all talk to have sexy names. two suggestions for topic were Business Applications with Crypto and Security and e-commerce

Co-Opting Issue

Due to it being late in the semester it was felt that we wouldn't be able to reach quorum or even close to it if we had an EGM this side of christmas. Each committee member was which they'd prefer between having an EGM or Co-opting. Una, Eoghan, Igy, Dara and michelle voted for an EGM while Dave, Ryaner, ken, jes, simon and charlie voted to co-opt. The majority voted to co-opt. We then voted on who to co-opt and winters won unanimously. An EGM will be held in the new year.

10th Anniversary Prep

Dara ill probably be able to get the Guinness Storehouse, possibly for free. Dara is to talk to Doc and dizer about sponsorship from google. Soon as the venue is sorted, bands for the event are to be organised. Hopefully the venue will be sorted by week 12. Posters for the event to start going up week 1 of semester 2. Dara is to sort out a website for sponsorship for the event. Dara would love a massive... cock Mark loves the cock. Charlie is to look into an updated canvas RB sign and see how much one would cost.

Any other Business

Meeting Times - further discussion to be had on this but possibly going to change the meeting times for next semester.

Michelle brought up that we need to organise things in advance, there is not enough communication going on within the committee. Everything is being left to the last minute and happening at too short notice.

Simon is also going to stop sitting opposite michelle in meetings.