RBOnly:Minutes 2000 04 17

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Minutes of Committee Meeting 17-04-2000


  • cokane, helpdesk
  • pixies, admin
  • kpodesta, webmaster
  • elmer, helpdesk
  • moridin, secretary
  • phil, admin
  • spock, chariperson
  • p, incoming PRO
  • julie, PRO
  • prince_v, incoming helpdesk
  • orly, Ents Officer
  • redgiant, helpdesk
Matters Discussed


Basically, BE GOOD people. No infighting on the boards, no dissing redbrick or any events. Don't take it on yourself to give the "redbrick view" when you're not sure... that's a matter for the chairperson/secretary.

BICS Awards

Redbrick have been nominated for the BICS Award by DCU. This is a competition to find out hte best society in Ireland. We'll be sending 2 representitives down to the awards, in the form of Julie & Phil, who will give a presentation on redbrick over the course of the event; which takes place this wed/thursday (19-20 April)

Student Handbook

As you know, we have to submit a piece on redbrick for the student handbook to the SU for next year. Jon has written a piece about our infamous "Turbo charged servers" which we decided to use :)

Admin Stuff

  • Phil & Mark went to James Healy last week about getting ports for CVS, NNTP, Mail and DNS opened. They succeeded in the first two and will talk about DNS & mail ports again at a later date.
  • The fibre-optic switch needs to be bought soon, so the admins are going to get some prices and at the same time buy another backup tape. It was decided that /home/committe should be backed up before /mone/member. Backups are done every sunday night.
  • We also need to buy the new Rack, which should cost about £1000 or so. Storage space for it is also needed and we'll contact buildings about that.
  • Currently the admins are keeping /tmp free by deleting day old files in there, considering it is a Temporary storage folder. They'll make sure that what they delete isn't anything that someone may need :)
  • Members think that renaming to .mp4 is a nice way to hide their mp3 collection ;)

Money Matters

Grant forms need to be submitted soon and otto has resigned as treasurer, although he will be doing the final accounts. Jon will take over as treasurer now. Kpodesta & moridin will be added to the list of cheque signatories and bootie & otto will be removed.


  • The trip to Galway was planned to take place 2 weeks from now, however this is a long weekend and we mightn't get people to go. It would also have been difficult to get bookings in a hostel or wherever for 40 odd people (excuse the pun) at this stage. It was decided to re-schedule it for the weekend that the exams finish on, which is a month from now. We should get grants for 50 people so depending on interest/prices 25-30 is a likely target. Official reason for going to Galway? An invitation from those nice people in NUI Galway :)
  • As far as the HEAnet talk goes, they've been to TIT & UL so far. We're going to see if we can get them out here for next Tuesday, 25th April at 7pm. Orly will try and book a room in the X building for it, which should be no problem, and get the HEAnet guys out. Julie will try & get drinkies for after :)
  • The Web Design Competition has about 4 entries at the moment so it was decided to extend the closing date to wednesday 26th April. Karl will contact O Reilly or Waterstones/Hodges Figgis to see if we can get sponsorship for the prizes.
  • The Programming Competition will be postponed until next semester as it's not feasable to do it at this stage in the year.

Web Issues

We're now hosting quite a few webpages/domains such as www.funliam.com and www.perv.org. Redbrick.net & redbrick.org both point at the www.redbrick.dcu.ie site. We will be hosting the DCUSU site when we get our place in the new Student Centre and it was suggested that the webmaster might help them to keep the page maintained and tweaks ironed out of it.

Other Business

  • Clubs & Socs Ball
    • Jon & Phil have tickets for the Clubs & Socs ball as they got nominations. There are 2 other tickets up for grabs and Orly & Karl want to go. Prince_v might be able to get another ticket and Karl/Kevin may be able to get 2 tickets courtesy of the comedy soc :)
  • Committee Night Out
    • We may be going on a committee night out similar to the night last year. This will have to be looked into as regards how much money we'll have at the end of the semester :)

-- Brian, Secretary.