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This page is a list of acronyms which are commonly used on redbrick, and the internet in general.

If strong language offends you, turn back now!

The tool wtf, located in /usr/games, will decipher many commonly used acronyms for you.

  • afaik - as far as I know
  • afk - away from keyboard
  • asap - as soon as possible
  • asl - age/sex/location
  • bbl/s - be back later/soon
  • bg - bad game
  • bj - bon joue
  • brb - be right back
  • btw - by the way
  • diaf - die in a fire
  • ffs - for fuck sake
  • ftw - for the win
  • ftl - for the lose
  • gl - good luck
  • gg - good game
  • gtfo - get the fuck out
  • gtg - got to go
  • hf - have fun
  • idk - I don't know
  • iirc - if I recall correctly
  • irl - in real life
  • jk - just kidding
  • lol - laughing out loud
  • lulz - a different way of saying lol
  • lmao - laughing my ass off(can be combined with rofl - roflmao)
  • MDR - morir de rire
  • nm - never mind
  • np - no problem
  • NSFW - not safe for work
  • omg - oh my god
  • orly? - oh really?(paired with yarly)
  • PEBCAK - problem exists between chair and keyboard
  • pita - pain in the arse
  • pmsl - pissing myself laughing
  • pw - password
  • qft - quoted for truth
  • rofl - rolling on the floor laughing(can be combined with lmao - roflmao)
  • rtfm - read the fucking manual
  • stfu - shut the fuck up
  • tb(q/f)h - to be (quite/fucking) honest
  • ttfn - ta ta for now
  • ttyl - talk to you later
  • ty - thank you
  • waf - what a fag
  • wb - welcome back
  • w/e - whatever
  • wtf - what the fuck
  • w8 - wait
  • yarly! - yes really!
  • <3 - a heart, implying love, liking or agreement