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Date(s) Cause Extent
June 2013
(From May) - present Update to 13.04, Fixing local root exploit. Pygmalion online but not processing logins.
May 2013
18th - (into June) Update to 13.04, Fixing local root exploit. Pygmalion
September 2011
29th Power surges throughout DCU. All servers (?)
August 2011
21st Reboot due to unknown cause. Azazel
June 2011
4th-7th Air-conditioning malfunction. Everything apart from Azazel and Deathray.
April 2011
21st-23rd DCU Maintenance Network-wide
5th Kernel Updates Ubuntu 10.04 machines
March 2011
4th Kernel Updates Unknown
1st Kernel Updates deathray, carbon, daniel, azazel
January 2011
13th "Necessary updates to C libraries" Unknown
November 2010
11th-14th Hub Power Upgrade Network-wide
30th October-3rd November Hub Power Testing Network-wide
October 2010
30th October-3rd November Hub Power Testing Network-wide
4th Air-Conditioning Failure data, daniel, carbon
August 2010
12th-26th Messy Downtime Network-wide
February 2010
5th User File Move To Faster Storage Network-wide
December 2009
7th Kernel Upgrades "IRC and other services"
November 2009
22nd-23rd Failure to restart after ISS downtime Network-wide
October 2009
23rd Kernel Upgrades Network-wide
1st Switch Upgrades Network-wide
September 2009
26th-27th DCU Bandwidth Upgrades Network-wide
19th Moving Services from carbon to morpheus carbon and morpheus
August 2009
14th Kernel Vulnerabilities Network-wide
July 2009
30th Kernel Upgrades Network-wide
18th Power Cut Network-wide
April 2009
16th Kernel Upgrades Network-wide
10th Transformer Maintenance Network-wide
March 2009
23rd Upgrade to Redbrick-CSD Fiber Link Network-wide
17th Moving Services to morpheus IRC server and morpheus