Installing Gallery On Redbrick

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Gallery is an excellent piece of PHP software for your website for organising and displaying photos.

Unfortunately it's not possible to install Gallery on redbrick and have it work straight away. So instead, use the RBGallery which removes all the hassle of setting up the software, upgrades, and best of all, doesn't use your quota up.

Download gallery and install it as instructed.

Gallery 3

The installation of gallery 3 is virtually the same as Gallery 2.

Extract gallery3 into your public_html directory using the unzip command. Then go to

You will be asked to enter your MySQL account details. If you do not have one of these ask the admin's to set one up for you. Provided all goes well you will be given a temporary admin password. You should change this once you login.

Please note: Although Gallery3 supports uploading video files. Murphy doesn't have ffmpeg installed and because of this Gallery3 will not allow videos to be uploaded.

Gallery 2

Mostly this involves untarring it into some directory. Now, you'll need to ask the admins to set up a MySQL account for you.

Then go to (or where-ever you installed it) and follow the nifty online installation program. At some stage it will ask you for the MySQL values that the nice admins should have mailed you when they set up your database. You'll need a database name, a user name and a password. Everything else: accept the defaults ( e.g. table prefixes ). Ignore the bit about making a directory chmod 777; on redbrick PHP scripts run as you, so you have permission to write to your own directory.

See the bit at the bottom of this page for adding a php.ini to allow uploading big files.

Gallery 1

You must then pass all the files through 'dos2unix' even if you downloaded the '.tar.gz' archive. You could probably write a simple script to this. This is the key to getting the scripts to work.

Oh, BTW, ImageMagick and most of NetPBM is already installed on Redbrick so you won't need those binaries in your account locally.

Gallery Remote

If you want to get GalleryRemote working so you can upload pictures without using ftp or the webform, simply create a file called php.ini in the directory where you installed gallery (normally something like =/webtree/-username-/gallery=). The contents of php.ini should be:


output_handler =

; Whether to allow HTTP file uploads.
file_uploads = On

; Temporary directory for HTTP uploaded files (will use system default if not
; specified).
upload_tmp_dir = /home/associat/-letter-/-username-/tmp

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 2M

Of course you should change the 'upload_tmp_dir' to the correct path. Thanks to Noel for this.