Leisureplex Walkout

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Leisureplex walkout.

During Redbrick's first weekend away the society decamped to the 'Rebel City' of Cork. I think there was some sort of Linux conference on being used as an excuse but most people going were only aware of this in a peripheral way.

On the second night out in Cork the group got split up, Cork bouncers having put into operation a hardline 21s only attitude for people from Dublin all over the city, and arranged to meet at a later time at Cork Leisureplex for bowling, Quasar and assorted fun things.

Shortly after most people had arrived, Huey, P and Tibor arrived and were promptly refused entry by Cork bouncers on the grounds that they weren't 21. Spock, then Chairman, was summoned and pointed out to the bouncers that the place was nearly empty and that they had let people far younger than those trying to get in enter.

Sadly, while known for his eloquence, Spock's use of multi-syllabal words only irritated the Corkonians and this forced a confrontation with the Leisureplex manager while Huey wandered about outside asking the 'RA to take on the bouncers (It's believed they refused) and P disappeared somewhere.

The confrontation was unsuccessful and Spock decided that we should all walk out to show our support for a member who was being fucked over. Disappointingly most Redbrick members inside disagreed and refused to leave. Other members walked out and left.

Sources in Cork later confirmed to this writer that the idea of being turned away from the Leisureplex was unheard of and, in fact, deeply amusing. As far as they know, Huey is the only person to have ever been refused.

--Cain, October 2001

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