Planet Redbrick FAQ

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Frequently Asked Questions about If you have any more questions, please add them to this topic or email planet at redbrick dot dcu dot ie with them.

Extension:RSS -- Error: "" is not in the list of allowed feeds. There are no allowed feed URLs in the list.

What is Redbrick Planet?

Do you want to see what Redbrick Bloggers are talking about?

Redbrick Planet is an aggregator of Redbrick Blogs. It downloads their feeds and aggregates their content together into a single combined feed, latest entry first. It is updated every five minutes. It can handle RDF, RSS and Atom feeds and is powered by Planet.

What type of blogs are included?

Blogs and feeds from redbrick users. They don't necessarily have to be hosted on Redbrick but they must have a valid feed.

How do I submit my blog?

Email planet at redbrick dot dcu dot ie with the name of your blog, URI of your blog and the URI of your feed.

If you dont' want your entire blog on Redbrick Planet you can create a special category for posts you would like to included and just send the category name to planet at redbrick dot dcu dot ie.

Make sure the feed is valid by passing it through something like

You can also include an icon for your feed (more on this later).

How do I get my blog removed?

Email planet at redbrick dot dcu dot ie with the name of your blog and it will be removed.

I don't like how the page looks

Try one of the alternative pages:

Where did that photo of me come from (please remove it!)?

The photo is taken from Magluby's pics. Sure, yea of course someone could write some code that your picture isn't included, but it'd be better if you went to Magluby's site and updated it with a new one yourself.