RBOnly:Minutes 16 04 2007

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Missing: Jesjes Stupid: Simon

Committee Handover

Old members should finish handing over by July at the very latest.

3 banner ideas so far, one sucks, apparently. Agreed that the competition can run until mid Summer. Eoghan (atlas) bets Andrew 10 euro that he forgets about it.

Mailing List/IRC

The committee channel should be used for minor discussion and small stuff. Also, no kicking and no ops!

Mailing list for more important stuff. Charlie demands that no "mehs" be sent to the list as responses.

Wiki Timeline

Suggested that one committee member look after recording general stuff. Kev volunteers.


Enigma has suffered a "horrible, long and painful death". New backup system required. We have tapes but they're presumably beyond use.

Suggestions are made that Prodigy and Enigma be converted to chairs, coffee tables, or even fridges. Cian reports that Tolka is currently performing such a function.

Eoghan (atlas) would like Redbrick's new equipment to provide "an assload of storage", 2.5 - 4 terrabytes if possible. Admins to discuss hardware options and mail the list when they reach a decision. Grant app to be sent in as soon as possible.


Everyone's invited to Charlie and Jess's house for a barbeque this Saturday. Bring meat. Eoghan claims that his burgers will own other people's burgers.


KVM needs to be purchased immediately so that money can be claimed.

There are suggestions of having a committee meal before the end of the year. Redbrick might pay for it if we go to McDonald's.

Several outgoing committee members express delight at this being their last meeting. We'll miss them all, no doubt.