RBOnly:Minutes 2004 02 16

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Minutes for RedBrick committee meeting 16/02/2004

Location: L221 Time: 6pm


Persons present:

  • Chairperson: Dave (emperor)
  • Secretary: Cillian (cns)
  • Events: Tina (dramaq)
  • Webmaster: Declan (skyhawk)
  • Helpdesk: Ning (sunshine)
  • Helpdesk: Eoin (cambo)
  • Helpdesk: Una (keloe)
  • Admin: Martin (tuama)
  • Admin: Dermot (dizer)

Persons excused:

  • Admin: Martin (prolix)
  • PRO: Aisling (aeris)

Persons absent:

  • Treasurer: Séamus (mael)

Other people present:


   1. Review of minutes from last meeting
      Minutes from 2004-02-11 passed.
   2. Agenda for this meeting
        1. Alt Rag Ball
           Discussed last minute preparations.
        2. Admin stuff
           More junk from room was thrown out and a complete cleanup and
           re-organisation performed. Stressed that room should be kept
           clean in future!
   3. Any other business
      No other business.