RBOnly:Minutes 2005 02 14

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RedBrick Committee Meeting 14-01-2005

Present: Eoghan, Michelle, Tina, Charlie, Charlene, John, Mick. Absent: Donal, Mark, Una, Dave.

Refreshers Fair

Stand similar to clubs and socs day will be set up. Laptop to take membership money and handle renewals, stickers, posters, and flyers.

IPod shuffle was considered as a prize (backorder of 3/4 weeks)

Alt-Rag and EGM

QG 15 was booked for the EGM from 6-8. Venue and new bar are booked for the Alt rag ball (no charge except for security, and bar extension has been organised).

The Kerbs will play in the venue, Brian Scanlan (singer@rb) will DJ in the New Bar. Both are free, however singer needs a set of decks (100EUR from PH Sounds, East Wall). Dice will possibly play after the Kerbs.

Igy will do lights, and the Kerbs will bring their own sound engineer.

Tech Week

Sponsorship from o2 and Irish Broadband is being investigated.

The educational fund has been applied to for sponsorship of speakers. School of Computing will be contacted to enquire about additional sponsorship.