RBOnly:Minutes 20 10 2009
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Present: Azrael, Haus, Gw, Elephant, Johan, Maiden, Sonic, Carri, Angelkat, Attol, Me
Excused: Revenant
Make sure when replying not to abuse people
Halloween Ball
* Max amount we can spend on a venue is €250. Put more money into decorations for the place? * Azrael offered to do DJ
Ubuntu Party
Add Ubuntu party to the announce mail. Get people to click the site.
Windows 7
Windows 7 party - facebook
* sleepover? * make a bot to randomly say scary/halloweeny words * if lobby is dead for 10min make a zombie appear on screen * Poster for zombieweek - Zombie nawing on a redbrick? Zombie brain redbrick?
Installfeast article
Maiden to write article for campus about the installfeast next week
Put posters in engineering building
Werdz present
Give werdz a present for making the webchat
Angelkat's site
Anyone touch AngelKat's site and she will claw your eyes out
Austin loves Alan's (Sonic) cock
Email Redgiant again about the prize