RBOnly:Minutes 28 07 2007

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2007/8 Minutes

Absent: Cian, Damien, Declan, Diarmuid, Eoghan. All excused.

Richard: "They're all pretty crap".

Winters is voted as the winner.

However, most want the brick to be changed to a darker red and some would prefer the "red" part of "redbrick" to be coloured red.

A few design alterations to be requested from Winters before the banner is printed.

Fresher's Ball

Venue is Radio City, date still to be picked, depending on SU Fresher's Event.

Band wanted by most, preferably one that will play mostly covers.

Wanted on stage for 45==60 minutes. Money can be granted for the band but not the venue.

Early and late slot in Radio City will cost 500 euro.

Kat wants balloons plus helium, Ashley volunteers to obtain helium.

DJ wanted. Matthew suggests old bar Tuesday Night DJ.


Dano is to make posters, advertising different aspects of Redbrick and the Fresher's Ball.

Gallery is a big selling point.

Andrew (receive) wants a number of posters similar to Tech Week last year.

Some smaller cheap black and white posters could be put up too.


Has to be not shit.

Andrew to come up with something and mail the list.


Most in favour of doing this again, though with improvements on last year as there were some complaints.

Ashley wants licenses included with software.

Classpaths need to work.

Matthew wants the ability to choose the install location.


Digital Camera, value of c. 150 euro.

Good brand, to be advertised on posters and presented at Fresher's Ball.


100 euro for 100 of them.

Charge members c. 2 euro for them.

Ashley may be able to order to England and save packaging money.

Stuff we need to buy

Helium balloons. Kat insists the balloons must be proper helium balloons for Clubs and Socs Day.

Stickers have to be printed.

Lollipops for Clubs and Socs day.


Andrew (receive) wants this fixed and made secure, etc.

Committee Meal

Friday night of Clubs and Socs Week.

TGI Friday's to be the venue.

Movie Trip

Simpsons Movie, whatever time is closest to 7.30 on Thursday at Cineworld.

Signup on frontpage with pubcookie.

Redbrick to give a discount to make the tickets 5 euro each.

Standing Orders

Andrew (receive) suggests a review of some of the Standing Orders.

Richard: "I wish that was a wiki". "Why?". "So I wouldn't have to edit it"


Andrew (receive) wants to write a draft of formal regulations for behaviour on IRC, as apparently we have none.


Andrew (receive) suggests each committee member give a brief report at the start of next year's meetings.

Some don't agree, Andrew suggests a trial and it can be scrapped if ineffective.


Helpdesk are to start planning for next year.


A concise design needed, what functions etc.

Personalised pages important.

Webgroup needs to be "beaten" and follow a plan. Some new webgroup people suggested, eg == hurl.

A framework that can be easily built on in future is preferable, central access to mail, gallery, friends.

Timetable mirroring suggested as a useful feature due to the dubious reliability of the college website.

Placeholder help pages for new users in webspace.


Remaining handovers need to be completed.

Web Boards == progress update needed.

Ashley is unsure of whether he'll be in DCU next year, but should be able to continue as Treasurer.

Helpdesk workshops/tutorials considered important. Architecture ones to be prepared in advance, Helpdesk to contact Ray Walshe in time beforehand.

Some method of motivating last year's inactive members to rejoin needed.

A few people don't want mincebot in lobby for the first few weeks, it is suggested that Doc be asked to remove him for a time rather than banning suddenly.

It is suggested that the default channel be changed from lobby to #helpdesk, #freshers or something similar to help new members without scaring them away.

Help menu needs to be rewritten.

Screen not to be taught to newbies :) Matthew insists screen is easy for everyone, he is wrong.