RBOnly:Minutes 8 2 2010
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Present: Lotta, Eoghan (Secretary), Kat, Andrew, Steph, Craig, Alan, David, Gautam, Daniel
Excused: Emma, Sean, Diarmaid
* Steph co opted * Lotta run through responsibilities
Recording Talks
- Az to Get Recording Equipment - Lotta to check with talkees about getting permission
1. Jeff Roe giving HackerSpace Talk 2. Maidan talking to Ubuntu People about getting someone to come 3. Nemo giving talk on virus's
Launch Party
Old Bar - Eoghan to talk to Shea about booking
Coding Contests Admins to talk to old people
Robots For engineers
Airplanes For Multimedia
Talks and Workshops
Everyone should organise a talk / event
Camdam / Class Hoodies didn’t want business Lotta has list of people etc Lotta sitting in Hub during lunch next week - People should sit with her if there free
Tobias Muller giving talk on German Hacker Con - Wednesday 17th Feb - Venue tbc
Agenda How Google can make better Comp Science Grads - by showing Practical Applications - Giving Talks - Giving students access to Ebooks
Admin Stuff
- Storage Array is cool, fast, installed and operational - VM Machine nearly ready to go - Web Server DT on Friday to test Debian
Quiz Prizes
- Raffle Prize: Laptop? - Prizes to be done over Email List
Intersocs 27th / 2 Limerick
- Matt Zimmerman from Canonical giving talk - Funding Granted for Accomadation and travel
Bot Wars i. No Funding ii. Talk on robotics beforehand sometime would be cool Lotta to Talk to Tog
Wavehunt i. Other net socs probably not interested ii. Is it worth doing? Further discussion required
Tech Week Disablility Week - Talk on Accessibility on the Internet?