RBOnly:Minutes 9 09 2009
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Present: Attol, Angelkat, Sonic, Elephant, Haus, Maiden, Gw, Coconut, Revenant
Excused: Carri, Sonic, Emma
Clubs and Socs Days
* Slushies comeback wanted * NO COMPUTERS AT DESK! * BLOCK PRINT EVERYTHING WHEN TAKING MEMBER DETAILS * Live CD on Ceiling Cat * Posters * Campus Magazine : David to write sample article * Update website. Fix it too!
Crashing lectures
Need people to hand out stuff. Sonic and Johan to do the talking?
Collage/artwork for our table
Send out request to members in announce
"Welcome to RB" message for site : Campus article to be used for this
Announce hoodie design competition : First announce mail. Interesting gadgets as prizes
Goodie bags
Beg companies for freebies. Paper bag + sticker. €3 each. Misc. Stuff. Kat to ask Phaxx about badges. Lego keyrings.
Table location
Where do we want our table?
Start of Year
Installfest : In new college year. Educate CAs and ECs. Virtualise install. Disclaimer.
-Ubuntu discs : Discs needed. Burn discs. Distribute in bags and lectures
Ryaner will investigate. Has theory. Pubcookie breaks things. Random users broken. (New users)
Install Jabber
;_; Investigate NNTP <-> VBulletin
*Regulations for impersonal accounts : Good job Kat (sorted)
*Allowing Astrosoc to run SETI@home on morpheus : Run, but restrict it. No major objections.
*Preference for meeting day/time : Will be decided later
*Radio coming back -Eoghan fielding calls -LICENSING!!!!
*Announcements -Weekly announce -They'll be okay -Write script? -Event section on website -Try to write in campus lots
*Signatories -Please inform committee of all happenings
*Flying lessons sound interesting, but no.
*Grant app meeting, pre orientation meeting (Date TBC)