Redbrick Jabber/IM

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IMPORTANT: The content of this page is outdated. If you have checked or updated this page and found the content to be suitable, please remove this notice.

The system is open to any redbrick member. You use your Redbrick username and password. A Jabber ID will be in the form, so if you want to add another user to your buddy list you would add,

The Redbrick Jabber Server does not accept non-encrypted traffic.

Importing your .friends as Jabber friends

Currently you can not see everyone logged in when you use Jabber. You must add users as "friends". You can copy your .friends file into your jabber roster by running this command on a shell:


Accessing Redbrick Jabber

Below are various methods to access the system.

GUI Clients

There are numerous GUI based clients out there with various features and strengths.

If the client supports TLS/SASL connections point the client at:

  • server:
  • port: 5222

And make sure to turn on the option for using TLS/SASL.

If the client supports SSL connections point the client at:

  • server:
  • port: 5223

And make sure to turn on the option for using SSL.

Please remember the server does not accept non encrypted traffic.

If your stuck behind a firewall...

If your stuck behind a firewall (say in your place of work) you can attempt to use Port Forwarding using Redbrick, however this has been met with mixed results so far.

Web Client

We have setup a beta web client on the redbrick website at

The client uses javascript to operate so you may need to enable this in your browser and to give our site popup access, for anyone who uses popup blocking on their browser.

I've found that the web client does not work in Opera. It does work in IE5 however. --The Dead One 16:45, 14 Nov 2006 (UTC)

Please be aware that this client is made available as for testing purposes however we hope to either get a better client or integrate the current one better into the site.

Console Client

In the pipeline :)


If you find any errors with the system, would like to request any features to be added, or have any general comments, please drop a mail to so we can keep track.

Many thanks to those who have the time to give it a try.

(Originally taken from skyhawk's webpage[1])