Setlist incident

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Video Synopsis:

Hauk fail, utter fail. This is why:

 21:09 < hauk> Some roide of a yoke offered to flash me for the setlist last night.
 21:10 < lithium> "a quickie round the back and you've a deal"
 21:10 < dever> i hope you accepted
 21:10 < hauk> Well. I refused, and kept the setlist \o/ And it was Primordial. She wasn't fucking gettin it
 21:11 < hauk> I thought "If i want to see tits I got the internet."
 21:12 < dever> hauk: you FUCKING NERD
 21:12 < dever> right now, i am ashamed of you
 21:12 < dever> seriously
 21:12 < dever> and ashamed for you too
 21:13 < hauk> If she offered a ride it would have been hers.
 21:13 < dever> hauk: have ye never heard of haggling?
 21:14 < hauk> dever: Yeah, but she wasn't getting it.
 21:14 < dever> hauk: obviously
 21:14 < dever> what a load of shite
 21:15 < dever> someone should just ban hauk
 21:15 < dever> ban him from life
 21:16 < hauk> Fuck sake
 21:16 < hauk> dever: </3
 21:17 < dever> and out of 10 - what rating would she have gotten?
 21:18 < dever> 10 being delicious, 1 being bet down
 21:18 < hauk> Oh she was a ride. Bout 8
 21:18 < phier> haha
 21:18 < dever> hauk: you fucking tool
 21:18 < Arq> Ah ye see, if she was a nine it'd be different.

The Setlist Incident: Part II

So hauk went to an Amon Amarth gig and proceeded to fap over it on IRC the next day.

 21:58:07      hauK | Lads, I could get used to flashing V.I.P badges.
 21:59:07      hauK | I got a VIP badge last night.
 22:00:17     train | setlist story part deux?
 22:00:32      hauK | NO.
 22:00:40      hauK | There was no offer of boobs this time.
 22:00:52      haus | would you have swapped the VIP pass for a ride though?
 22:01:12     train | good, hard hitting question
 22:01:16     train | hauK: response
 22:01:18     train | go
 22:01:32      hauK | hmm.
 22:01:50      hauK | yeah that's a no.
 22:01:58     train | :(
 22:02:02   lithium | ololz
 22:02:16     train | the saga continues

A victim...

... is what I am.

dever: OUT

Yes, you are. A victim of yourself.