Tmux is a terminal multiplexer
What is a terminal multiplexer? It lets you switch easily between several programs in one terminal, detach them (they keep running in the background) and reattach them to a different terminal. It is a good alternative to screen.
$ git clone $ cd tmux $ sh $ ./configure && make
Shortcuts are all used by pressing the prefix then the shortcut. The default is
Control + b <shortcut>
The prefix can also be changed. (At the end of the wiki)
Session Management
Sessions are useful for completely separating work environments.
To create a new tmux session named session_name
tmux new -s session_name
To attache to an existing tmux session named session_name
tmux attach -t session_name
To switche to an existing session named session_name
tmux switch -t session_name
To list existing tmux sessions
tmux list-sessions
To detach the currently attached session
tmux detach (prefix + d)
Tmux has a tabbed interface, but it calls its tabs �Windows�. To stay organized, I rename all the windows I use. (Well I don't because I guess I hate myself.
To create a new window
tmux new-window (prefix + c)
To move to the window based on index
tmux select-window -t :0-9 (prefix + 0-9)
To rename the current window
tmux rename-window (prefix + ,)
To kill just one window
prefix + &
Panes make everything easier, and better!
splits the window into two vertical panes
tmux split-window (prefix + ")
splits the window into two horizontal panes
tmux split-window -h (prefix + %)
swaps pane with another in the specified direction
tmux swap-pane -[UDLR] (prefix + { or })
selects the next pane in the specified direction
tmux select-pane -[UDLR]
selects the next pane in numerical order
tmux select-pane -t :.+
Helpful tmux commands
lists out every bound key and the tmux command it runs
tmux list-keys
lists out every tmux command and its arguments
tmux list-commands
lists out every session, window, pane, its pid, etc.
tmux info
reloads the current tmux configuration (based on a default tmux config)
tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf
Helpful Configs
These are some tmux configs:
nano .tmux.conf
Remap prefix to Control + a
set -g prefix C-a unbind C-b bind C-a send-prefix
Force a reload of the config file
unbind r bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf
Quick pane cycling
unbind ^A bind ^A select-pane -t :.+