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This is a nice games, asked for by Fructus cause he loves it, you get a screen filled with numbers. You move the number of places in the direction you choose according to the number, All spaces are than replaced by black. Your goal is to clear as much of the screen as you can.
This is a nice games, asked for by Fructus cause he loves it, you get a screen filled with numbers. You move the number of places in the direction you choose according to the number, All spaces are than replaced by black. Your goal is to clear as much of the screen as you can.

Revision as of 20:19, 26 March 2013

Games available on RedBrick (minerva). These are all located in: /usr/games

To see what a game is about, execute the "man" command followed by the game's name. For example: man nethack

RedBrick also hosts other games on behalf of the DCU Games Society on their server blinky.


Does Not Work. ~ carri@minerva


I killed this. I got bored.


Does Not Work. ~ carri@minerva


If I was 6 this would be awesome to practise maths. -_- It's addition and subtraction.


Really easy to make the top players list.



Teaches you how to play backgammon. Useful, because I don't have a clue either.

Makes things into a banner.. Like figlet but with... #


Could do with a "how to guide"


"The bcd, ppt and morse commands read the given input and reformat it in the form of punched cards, paper tape or morse code respectively. Acceptable input are command line arguments or the standard input." Love the man page.




"The caesar utility attempts to decrypt caesar ciphers using English letter frequency statistics. caesar reads from the standard input and writes to the standard output."


The solitaire card game, canfield.


Shows the database of high scores for canfield.


The countmail program counts your mail and tells you about it rather obnoxiously. If it doesn't work for you, e-mail and annoy them.


Card game without cards.


I like this. It's like a game called dots I used to play. The aim to fill in as many boxes you can with your name. You play against the computer.



In this game, you play a drug dealer, travelling between New York's five boroughs. You make money by buying selling a plethora of mind-altering substances. It's all the fun of drug dealing without the legal repercussions!






Obsolete. Calls gnuchess xboard




This is a nice games, asked for by Fructus cause he loves it, you get a screen filled with numbers. You move the number of places in the direction you choose according to the number, All spaces are than replaced by black. Your goal is to clear as much of the screen as you can.


NetHack is an Advanced Dungeons and Dragons simulator. (Read: NetHack is a game for when you have so few friends that you can't even muster up four people to pretend to be elves in some stupid dungeon). I like it though.


The version of Nethack on Redbrick is based on the Ubuntu version, which contains, among others, the menucolors and hpmon patches. We also patch it with the dumplog patch, which records a lot of info about the game when you die.

A configuration file for the game (which takes advantage of hpmon and menucolors and makes it prettier with UTF-8 shit, among other things) is available here, just put it in ~/.nethackrc. If you'd like to keep all of the dumpfiles created when you die, instead of just the most recent, add the following alias to your shell rc file (most likely ~/.zshrc)

alias nethack="nethack; [ ! -e \"/var/games/nethack/save/$USERID$USERNAME.gz\" ] && cp /var/games/nethack/dumps/$USERNAME.lastgame.txt ~/dumps/\`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S\`.txt"

Make sure to change $USERID and $USERNAME to your userid (gotten with the `id` command) and your username. This should save it each time you die to ~/dumps/YEAR-MM-DD-HH:MM:SS.txt, though in some cases it creates duplicates (If you quit before choosing your role/race/gender/alignment that I know of).


Networked multiplayer version of tetris. You can play with anyone logged into RedBrick.

Players: lil_cain phaxx train




A clone of the game "Snake" which was created in the 1970s but popularised by the Nokia 3210 mobile phone (especially in Irish secondary schools!)



Not really a game per se. Decodes acronyms.