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Absent: Declan (excused), Matthew (presumed drunk).
{{Minutes_2007-2008_Committee }} Absent: Declan (excused), Matthew (presumed drunk).

== Reports ==  
== Reports ==  

Latest revision as of 20:14, 8 November 2007

2007/8 Minutes

Absent: Declan (excused), Matthew (presumed drunk).


Kev's minutes are awesome!

Werdz's web boards are awesome!

Posters pretty much done/ready!

LDAP broken!

Dev site needs some changes to work in IE7!

Camera ordered!

Standing Orders

Cian still to do this, to be reviewed in 2 weeks.


LDAP Nearly works.

MySQL and Apache still to be moved.

Hopefully will still be ready next week, admins to discuss further.

Advance notice of downtime still important.


Web boards nearly finished, Andrew rocks! (not receive, the other one)

Dev site sucks in IE7, some work still to be done but hopefully ready to launch with web boards next week some time.

Most of the committee don't want a separate web board for private discussion. Kev does, but no-one seems to care :(

Clubs and Socs Days

Availability: Kat, dano, d_fens and receive available most of the time both days. Drag0n available most of Wednesday. Werdz between Games Soc and Redbrick. Eoghan and Cian busy with SPC or other socs.

Andrew (receive) to make a timetable of some sort.

Receive wants to make a PowerPoint presentation with slides mixing gallery pictures and posters etc. It is suggested that bad pictures (eg, those involving Redbrick's scarier members) not be used at the stand. Clippy (or whatever that helpful MS animation is called) to be used. \o/

IRC can be bad on the screen, not to be displayed too much.

Free hoody as a prize?

Camera box or poster/advertising at the stand.

Java CDs, 100 burned, more to go. Damo to contact Charlie Daly about distribution and stuff. Dano, Ashley, Kat, receive to go to a CA lecture and hand them out and talk.


Freshers' Ball

11th of October (most of us didn't know the date)

Posters ready, spelling to be fixed on band name. Camera to be advertised.

Hallowe'en Ball

Dorans available 24th + 30th, but it would have to be open to the public by 10pm and they're not very nice.

The Hub in town, 100 euro plus sound engineer

(the above info may be slightly mixed up, there was some confusion when i wrote it down)

Suggested that we just have a general night out/get together rather than a Halloween Ball, no point running two events so close together when the second has traditionally poor attendance.


Helpdesk Tutorial

Suggested that it be the 4th, but Thursdays are bad, plus accounts might not be all created. The following Wednesday is better.

Mails out to newbs about account creation to include ads for tutorial + Freshers' Ball.

Helpdesk Plan

Architecture tutorial - need dates and stuff before running it. No D6 for semester one this year. Web design tutorial some time before first year web design project due in.

PHP intro on wiki should be changed to normal wiki or a usable format.

Photoshop tutorial for Arts or Tech Week.

Computing tutorials for engineering tutorials?

CA165 list can be used to advertise from a dcu mail account.

Merchandise, Clothing etc.


New Design? Some suggestions made.

Some like the old one, others don't. It doesn't stand out enough etc.

Redbrick with the "Red" part in red? Phase might sue us.

Writing or logo on shoulder?

URL on the back shortened to "redbrick.dcu.ie"? This would be firstly an admin issue :)

Order of 20-30 should be made at some point.

Ashley to talk to the company we used before.


New t-shirts would be good.

NO white circle. White circle is banned.

Ashley to contact people who did the SU clothing.


Do we really want them?

Ashley yet again to look into it.


shop.redbrick.dcu.ie suggested. Could sell hats, mousemats, umbrellas, clothing etc. Was suggested last year but never happened. Ashley to check if we'd be allowed.


  • IRC for newbs - #freshers not a good idea. Bots to leave, better moderation needed to ensure /disco is avoided.
  • Ops: Should only be for committee where possible, eg - no "esteemed holders of root".
  • Meetings: Diarmuid isn't on Tuesdays. But Declan isn't free on Mondays! Oh, the dilemma!
  • Flyers - SU think they're racist. It's silly, but we're better off dropping them.