RBOnly:Minutes 25 03 2008
2007/8 Minutes |
Absent: Padraig (excused)
- other reports on sheeeet.
- Coconut customised shell, started helpdesk.
- Cian wasted time. Got NFS working. Talked to Redhat.
- Andrew got elected to SPC
- Weekend of the week after AGM
- List to be mailed.
- Wavehunt date to go in next announce mail.
Table Quiz
- Four rounds by emperor. Kev to do Simpsons round, Cian to do music.
- Prizes ordered. 4 passports first prize, 4 lego usb keyrings. EEE PC for raffle.
- Lots of promotion and stuff needed.
- Alfla to host.
- Town trip to get spot prizes, Cian wants male to male action. I mean cable.
- Cian talked to Redhat.
- Cian mailed, apparently we'll get tshirts and stuff.
AGM Exams
- Admin test - Monday evening? 7pm.
- Helpdesk test Wednesday? 2pm. Webmaster at 4?
- Computer building lobby.
- Tradition dictates that the admin exam must be held in the computing building.
Intra - meeting times
- Meeting 6pm next monday due to intra.
Website stuff
- blah
- Send photos for slideshow for clubs and socs.
- Cian wants photos of water filled condom.
- Portfolio! Andrew working on it, will update to the list for feedback.
- More bits needed, write ups etc.
- Tech Week pages needed.
- Everyone at quiz, AGM, mails, posters, etc needed.
- Quick handover this year.
- Grant app for cables and explodey. 8 grand for lots of stuff the week after.