RBOnly:Minutes 2001 04 07

From Redbrick Wiki

Minutes of meeting, Sat 7th April 2000

Present: kpodesta, moridin, cokane, noelfitz, macbain, redgiant, p, tibor, bubble


  • Set for tuesday 17th March @ 18:30
  • Thinking of providing sweets etc (Brian can probably get some off his dad)
  • Tests will we as follows:
    • Admin / Helpdesk: Wednesday @ 7pm
    • Webmaster: Thursday @ 7pm
  • AGM order is as follows:
    • Treasurers Speech
    • Chair's speech
    • Amendments
    • Elections:
      • Helpdesk
      • Webmaster
      • Admins
      • PRO
      • Ents
      • Treasurer
      • Secretary
      • Chair
  • Will be using PR voting - Noel will get details on exactly how to work this from cain or cma.
  • There will be no logins during the AGM and current users will be bumped
  • We need to post our proposed constitutional amendments before the AGM
  • Brian will do up voting slips stc


  • WIll be in Conways on Parnell st.
  • It's free to book and they do food for free too
  • Capacity is about 200ish
  • We'll make our own CD's of mosic for it
  • We're going to try and get a birthday cake done up


  • Will be a web programming competition to design an online events calendar
  • Individuals or Teams of 2 may enter
  • Prize will be about £200
  • Closing date of June 17th


  • Need to get a date for collecting the e450 from Sun
  • Barry is going to meet someone about picking up our secure cert
  • Need SCSI Cable for RAID array
  • Microsoft may sponsor us, which would be nice
  • Sarvesh will value our machines so we can apply for insurance from the SPC
  • Bringing in a new root password policy. The password will be changed every 6 months and the current admins will decide if someone gets root, based on how active / useful they are. The stipulation is that they have to have previously held root in an elected position on the committee.
  • With the amount of space that will be coming online soon we need to decide on a backup policy and create a disclaimer that we cannot ensure the security of someone's data, particularly with the 4th year projects starting soon. This will be mass mailed and available on request.
  • In the light of our recent sponsorship bonanza we will approach HP about getting a nice DLT Autoloader off them.
  • Quotas will be upped to 100Mb, with a 300Mb limit.