RBOnly:Minutes 2004 04 20

From Redbrick Wiki

Minutes for RedBrick AGM 20/04/2004

Location: QG15 Time: 8pm


Persons present:

  • Chairperson: Dave (emperor)
  • Secretary: Cillian (cns)
  • Treasurer: Seamus (mael)
  • Events: Tina (dramaq)
  • PRO: Aisling (aeris)
  • Webmaster: Declan (skyhawk)
  • Helpdesk: Ning (sunshine)
  • Helpdesk: Eoin (cambo)
  • Helpdesk: Una (keloe)
  • Admin: Martin (tuama)
  • Admin: Dermot (dizer)

Persons excused:

  • Admin: Martin (prolix)

Persons absent:

Other people present:

  • Colm (colmmacc) and Colin (grimnar) who performed PR vote counting.


   1. Review of minutes from last meeting
      Not done, as usual.
   2. Agenda for this meeting
        1. Opening
           Quorom (28) was verified as being met.
        2. Chairperson's Report
           Dave briefly discussed the main highlights of this year; the
           acquisition of the server room and Dell servers, continued
           hosting of services for many clubs and socities and the many
           events during the year.
        3. Treasurer's Report
           Seamus briefly discussed how much money we had at the start and
           end of the year and the main expenses during the year.
        4. Constitutional Amendments
             1. Amendment 1 [colmmacc] Removing use of word 'graduate'.
                Passed by show of hands. Text of amendment:
                Article 3.4.2 currently states:
                  Graduate membership shall be open to former members of the
                  society who are no longer students of Dublin City
                This is to be amended as:
                  Associate membership shall be open to anyone who
                  previously qualified for membership of the society under
                  Article 3.1.
                [ for reference: article 3.1 states that ``Membership of the
                society shall be open to all students and staff of the
                college. ]
                Article 3.4.3 currently states:
                  It shall not be a requirement of associate membership that
                  such members should hold a degree or any other academic
                  award given by Dublin City University.
                This shall be deleted as unneccessary and subsequent
                subsections be re-numbered appropriately.
                The word graduate be replaced with the word associate in the
                subsection regarding rights general meeting attendance.
             2. Amendment 2 [singer/marvin] Community Officer. NOT passed by
                show of hands. Text of amendment:
                Amend article 4.5 to read:
                  The committee shall consist of
                  Chairperson Secretary Treasurer Public Relations Officer
                  Ents Officer 3 x System Administrator Webmaster 3 x
                  Education Officer Community Officer
                Increment articles 6.8 through 6.10 (i.e 6.8 becomes 6.9
                Amend 6.8 to read:
                  The community officer shall have the responsibility for
                  co-ordinating and organising the community aspects of the
                  technical services which the society provides. This shall
                  include, but not be limited to, newsgroups and IRC.
        5. Election of Helpdesk
           Candidates: keloe, art_wolf, atlas, firefly, thedara.
           keloe, art_wolf and atlas elected by PR secret ballot.
        6. Election of System Administrators
           Candidates: prolix, phaxx, halenger, mickeyd.
           prolix, phaxx and mickeyd elected by PR secret ballot.
        7. Election of Webmaster
           biteme elected by show of hands.
        8. Election of Public Relations Officer
           Candidates: drusilla, dramaq.
           dramaq elected by PR secret ballot (38 votes to 34).
        9. Election of Events Officer
           kyper elected by show of hands.
       10. Election of Treasurer
           charlene elected by show of hands.
       11. Election of Secretary
           thor elected by show of hands.
       12. Election of Chairperson
           Candidates: drusilla, af666x.
           drusilla elected by PR secret ballot (38 votes to 19).
       13. Closing
           Proceeded to Doyles.
   3. Any other business
      No other business.