RBOnly:Minutes 30 10 2007

From Redbrick Wiki
2007/8 Minutes

Absent: Andrew, Padraig and Amy (all excused)

Abuse Issue

Official response to be sent after discussion. Shinykat to be given a response to her complaint and a warning to be issued.


8th, 15ish people expected. Posters needed. Kat to get back with details.

Heldpesk Tutorial

Coconut, Johan, Kat, Richard will be there. Posters weren't mailed in. To go on website and in motd tonight.

Server Collection

From Fitzwilliam Square, Coconut to help.

Committee Meal

Change of venue to cheaper place. Eddie Rockets preferred option \o/


Reply to it

Posters Issue

Some of the SPC and possibly the SPC as a whole don't approve of the anti E&S Soc posters. Whole committee to be made aware of controversial stuff like this in advance next time.

Cian wants to continue the confrontational style as it gets people interested, but it needs to be done in a less controversial/personal manner.

It is decided by the committee that Andrew is to wear fake tan and drink Red Bull.


  • Kev to call again about hoodies
  • Richard is redoing the website to make it easier for webgroup/anyone who needs to edit it.
  • Cian to send more renewal warning mails
  • Kev has cut his hair and it's great
  • The committee decides that Andrew's email was exceedingly gay.
  • Football to be booked by Cian. Kat, Andrew, Dave, Richard, Cian and Kev will be there on Monday.
  • Air conditioning still needs fixing, Cian to call other company, Kat to talk with estates. Admins to get legionnaire's disease \o/