RBOnly:Minutes 04 12 2007

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2007/8 Minutes

Absent: Padraig (excused), Amy (excused), Dano

Previous minutes

  • Are deadly.
  • Admin position - svan unlikely to want it
  • Sleepover wasn't great for RB, but it was good to be involved.
  • Ice Skating was fun.
  • Computers/Hub proposal went okish.


  • Coconut looked at tutorials.
  • D_fens looked at wiki stuff.
  • Eoghan helped at sleepover, looked at helpdesk things.
  • Cian unbanned Zyox, did stuff, carried stuff, got drunk at the sleepover and ended up with some girl, got his picture in Campus.
  • Werdz still working on Apache, did something for the University of Washington, tidied server room.
  • Receive did lots of stuff.


  • Christmas Party organised, Bob to be Santa, people needed for getting presents.
  • Cinema trip on Wednesday, 5.45 in the Hub.
  • Tech Week, might be sharing with another society so rooms to be booked en masse.


  • Bans might be excessive.
  • Cian apologises for unbanning Zyox, Cian apologises for banning Zyox.
  • Cian wants official warnings for various people.
  • One warning mail to be sent, others not to be mailed.
  • Rules are online.
  • Bans should be reserved for serious abuse, warnings on the rules should be first.

#intersocs Rep

  • Kat reckons someone on committee should do it this year.
  • Current admins for the channel are still last year's ones.
  • Cian to talk to atlas about opserv changeover.
  • To be reviewed next week.

Next Semester

  • New meeting times, people to find out lectures/work as soon as possible to find a time.
  • Apache will be working on Murphy.
  • Cian to do stuff with enzyme, will avoid network disruption where possible.
  • Kev to look into getting minutes from previous years on the wiki.
  • More pictures to be taken, sent into Campus.


  • Kat wants shopping help for Christmas Party.
  • Cian wants to apply for more money for party.