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Deceased Hardware

Deathray ~


Type:Dell PowerEdge 2650
OS:Ubuntu 10.04
CPU:2 x 3.0Ghz Intel Pentium 4 Xeon
Storage:Onboard PERC RAID controller
 OnBoard Untrawide SCSI controller
Disks:5x 73Gb 10,000 RPM SCSI Disks
Drives:Internal IDE CDROM
 Internal FDE Floppy
Network:2x Gigabit Ethernet BroadCom
Extras:Onboard Dell Remote Access Controller (DRAC) for remote management.
The Name:Named in honour of Gráinne Sheerin's (dimples@rb) orbital Deathray project.



Deathray was a direct result of Prodigy needing replacing, so the SPC graciously funded a new server.

Deathray was one of our first servers to be upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04. It was used during the migration to host the services that would usually run on Morpheus.


Deathray was the primary services machine until it was replaced by morpheus in March 2009. Work is currently underway to re-install Deathray as the secondary services machine. Deathray was instated as secondary services from 2009 until late 2015.

Deathray was replaced by Metharme during the service migration see:Downtime at the start of 2015. Deathray stepped into the breach as secondary services for a week while migrations took place.

Deathray was finally decommissioned by koffee 06/11/2015 at 17:14:47

deathray:/# shutdown now
Broadcast message from rootholder@deathray

        (/dev/pts/0) at 17:14 ...

The system is going down for maintenance NOW!
deathray:/# Connection to deathray closed by remote host.
Connection to deathray closed.