Top Ten Redbrick Arguments

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I guess we must really like these debates seeing as we bloody well talk about them so much.

  1. Science vs. Religion
  2. Best interface to use for new Redbrick members (flin vs. zsh vs. web frontend)
  3. Abortion
  4. The structure/number of the Redbrick newsgroups
  5. Coding style
  6. Linux vs.OpenBSD vs. everything
  7. The "troubles"
  8. Israel vs. Palestinians
  9. Homeopathy
  10. Random conspiracy theories (September 11th 2001, the moon landings, J.F.K., etc.)
  11. iPods vs. other mp3 players (this one's also over, iPods won)
  12. Legalisation Of Drugs (and drug abuse in general)
  13. Nano vs Vim
  14. Committee are nazis
  15. Pineapple on pizza