Committee Timeline

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A visual overview of who did what, when.

This gets less accurate the further back you go in time - I was working off the Committee page, making guesses at who resigned, when. 2006 onwards should be fairly accurate (working from memory). Feel free to make any corrections (it's a pig of a table, though, so you might want to work on it offline, and abuse the Show Preview function a bit).

At the very least, it shows the sheer number of people (and man hours) who have been involved in running Redbrick at one point or another.

(Idea stolen from Skynet).

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  • Robby actually took over as chairperson in mid April and resigned in early June 2008 (Q2). Technically, Redbrick had no chair in Q3, although Dano was acting chair. Committee handovers can be gradual and happen any time from the end of the academic year til the end of the summer, but it's impractical/impossible to document this exactly in graph form.
Semester Chairperson Vice Chair Secretary Treasurer Events Officer Events Officer 2 Public Relations Officer Graphic Design Officer First Year Rep Helpdesk 1 Helpdesk 2 Helpdesk 3 Webmaster Admin 1 Admin 2 Admin 3 Ordinary Member 1 Ordinary Member 2
1996 Q3 Sean Cullen (hyper) * Dermot Hanley (wibble) Paraic O'Ceallaigh (swipe) * Micheal McHugh (sandman) * David Murphy (drjolt) Fergus Donohue (fergus) * *
1996 Q4
1997 Q1
1997 Q2
1997 Q3 Mike Bennett (thalia) Jonathan Lundberg (spock) Aoife McGoveran (hms) Kevin O'Donovan (kod) Dave O'Flynn (firefly) Daire McKenna (fatwa) Shane O'hUid (wishkah) John Barker (barkerj) Andrew Lawless (andy) Dermot Hanley (wibble) Ka Chun Leung (plop)
1997 Q4
1998 Q1 Patrick Gannt (floppy)
1998 Q2
1998 Q3 Justin Moran (cain) Caroline Sheedy (bootie) Cecily Murray (celery) Aoife Cahill (ace) Barry O'Neill (bubble) Sarvesh Singh (macbain) David Murphy (drjolt) Cian Synnott (pooka) Colin Whittaker (grimnar)
1998 Q4 John Bolger (jbolger)
1999 Q1 Eoin McGrath (bob) Brian Scanlan (singer) Adam Kelly (cthulu) Hoi Chau Wong (whc)
1999 Q2
1999 Q3 Jonathan Lundberg (spock) Caroline Sheedy (bootie) Damien Martin (otto) Orla McGan (orly) Julie Kerin (julie) Conor O'Kane (cokane) Nigel Parkes (elmer) Karl Podesta (kpodesta) Robert Crosbie (bobb)
1999 Q4
2000 Q1 Eileen Gavin (munchkin)
2000 Q2
2000 Q3 Karl Podesta (kpodesta) Brian Banbrick (moridin) Jonathan Lundberg (spock) John Canavan (tibor) Kevin Cannon (p) Mark Campbell (mark) Donal Hunt (redgiant) Barry O'Neill (bubble) Philip Reynolds (phil) Sarvesh Singh (macbain)
2000 Q4
2001 Q1 Mark Dunne (pixies) Noel Fitzpatrick (noelfitz)
2001 Q2
2001 Q3 Donal Mulligan (thor) John Canavan (tibor) Micheal Glennon (magluby) Andrew MacCann (montoya) Kevin Dermody (esoteric) Nikki Kenny (kamili) Neil Walsh (marvin) Colm MacCarthaigh (colmmacc) Philip Reynolds (phil) Cillian Sharkey (cns) Mark Campbell (mark)
2001 Q4
2002 Q1
2002 Q2
2002 Q3 Nikky Kenny (kamili) Andrew MacCann (montoya) Neil Walsh (marvin) Carla Coleman (angel) Shane Tallon (del_boy) Eoin Campbell (cambo) Declan McMullen (skyhawk) Mark Campbell (mark) David Johnston (emperor) Dermot Duffy (dizer) Mark Dunne (pixies)
2002 Q4
2003 Q1 Trevor Johnston (trevj) Grainne Sheerin (dimples) Elaine Bannon (purdy) Declan O'Neill (dec)
2003 Q2
2003 Q3 David Johnston (emperor) Cillian Sharkey (cns) Martina Frain (dramaq) Aisling Devlin (aeris) Una Kehoe (keloe) Sun Ning (sunshine) Declan McMullen (skyhawk) Martin Clarke (prolix) Martin Harte (tuama)
2003 Q4
2004 Q1 Seamus O'Toole (mael)
2004 Q2
2004 Q3 Michelle Graham (drusilla) Donal Mulligan (thor) Charlene Barrett (charlene) Mark Grenham (kyper) Martina Frain (dramaq) Stephen Doyle (igy) John Doyle (art_wolf) Eoghan Gaffney (atlas) David Whelan (biteme) Charlie Von Metzradt (phaxx) Michael Dowling (mickeyd) Padraic Hallinan (halenger)
2004 Q4
2005 Q1 Aisling Devlin (aeris)
2005 Q2
2005 Q3 David Couse (phreak) Kenneth Barrett (sionnach) Bernard McKeever (dregin) Jessica N� Chonchubair (jesjes) Simon Kilroy (gizmo) Graham Bishop (winters) Una Kehoe (keloe) Eoghan Gaffney (atlas) Stephen Ryan (ryaner)
2005 Q4
2006 Q1
2006 Q2
2006 Q3 Charlie Von Metzradt (phaxx) Jessica Ni Chonchubhair (jesjes) Andrew Harford (receive) Kat Farrell (angelkat) Padraig O'Connor (landa2) Kevin Fox (undone) Diarmuid Bourke (drag0n) John Doyle (User:art_wolf) Sarunas Vancevicius (svan)
2006 Q4 Stephen Doyle (igy)
2007 Q1 Damien Rhatigan (dano)
2007 Q2
2007 Q3 Andrew Harford (receive) Kevin Fox (undone) Ashley Samuel Dooley Martyn (mythe) Matthew Barrington (moju) Eoghan Cotter (johan) Declan Whelan (castle) Richard Dalton (d_fens) Andrew Martin (werdz) Diarmuid Bourke (drag0n) Cian Brennan (lil_cain)
2007 Q4 Amy Corrigan (corriga6)
2008 Q1 Padraig O'Connor (landa2) David Lynam (coconut)
2008 Q2
2008 Q3 Robert O'Reilly (robby) Damien Rhatigan (dano) Leah Doyle (bambi) Lotta Mikkonen (attol) John Needham (colossus) Emma Gallagher (emma) Sean Hand (revenant) S�amus Ronan (train) Gavin Tubritt (gamblitis) Andrew Martin (werdz) Andrew Harford (receive) Eoghan Cotter (johan)
2008 Q4 Kat Farrell (angelkat)
2009 Q1 Carri Fuery (carri)
2009 Q2
2009 Q3 Lotta Mikkonen (attol) Emma Gallagher (emma) Sean Hand (revenant) Carri Fuery (carri) Dan Fox (maiden) David Glennon (azrael) Austin Halpin (haus) Diarmaid McManus (elephant) Gautam Wadhwa (gw) Kat Farrell (angelkat) David Lynam (coconut) Alan Breathnach (sonic)
2009 Q4 Andrew Martin (werdz)
2010 Q1 Stephanie Coleman (steph) Craig Gavagan MacEntee (credak)
2010 Q2
2010 Q3 Nina Hanzlikova (geekity) Emma Gallagher (emma) Carri Fuery (carri) Shane Stacey (isaac702) Paul Bunbury (bunbun) Craig Gavagan MacEntee (creadak) James Reilly (fun) Seamus Ronan (train)
2010 Q4 Conor Forde (fordy) Aisling Mulholland (crash) Dave Larkan (tziegler) Austin Halpin (haus)
2011 Q1
2011 Q2
2011 Q3 Dave Larkan (tziegler) Lotta Mikkonen (attol) Nina Hanzlikova (geekity) Ciaran McNally (mak) Meabh Landers (timelady) Triona Barrow (polka) Eimear Tyrrell (beimear) Vadim Clyne-Kelly (vadimck) Paul Bunbury (bunbun)
2011 Q4 Niall Gaffney (gamma) Craig Duff (duff) Shane Stacey (isaac702)
2012 Q1 Triona Barrow (polka) Provisional
2012 Q2
2012 Q3 James Reilly (fun) Robert Devereux (kylar) Richard Walsh (koffee) Tr�ona Barrow (polka) Andrew Boylan (Fructus) Ciaran McNally (mak) Craig Gavagan MacEntee (creadak) Vadim Clyne-Kelly (vadimck)
2012 Q4 �ine Duffy (Pedro) Freddie Hayden (Mercury7) Gautam Wadhwa (gw)
2013 Q1
2013 Q2
2013 Q3 Vadim Clyne-Kelly (vadimck) Jessica McGowan (teapott) Jerry Onianwa (jerbumz) �ine Duffy (Pedro) Andrew Boylan (Fructus) Niall Gaffney (gamma) kRichard Walsh (koffee) Ciaran McNally (mak)
2013 Q4 Lorcan Boyle (zergless) Tr�ona Barrow (polka) Se�n Healy (space)
2014 Q1 Emmanuel Caill� (twister)
2014 Q2
2014 Q3 Richard Walsh (koffee) Gillian Morrisson (socks) Kirill Sloka (macspayn) Se�n Healy (space) Andrew Boylan (Fructus) Cian Butler (butlerx) Robert Devereux (kylar) Lorcan Boyle (zergless)
2014 Q4 Michael Wall (thewall) Robert McConnell (faust) Niall Gaffney (gamma) Wojtek Bednarzak (voy) Robert Devereux (kylar)
2015 Q1
2015 Q2
2015 Q3 Lorcan Boyle (zergless) Christine Smart Jr. (smarties) Gillian Morrisson (socks) Kirill Sloka (macspayn) James Nolan (jaffa) Cormac Smartt (pints) Se�n Healy (space) Wojtek Bednarzak (voy) Terry Bolt (tbolt) Richard Walsh (koffee)
2015 Q4 Noah Donnelly (cac) Aaron Delaney (devoxel) Cl�odhna Harrison (thegirl) Cian Ruane (induxi0n) Liam Rooney (ginger)
2016 Q1
2016 Q2
2016 Q3 Noah Donnelly (cac) Cian Butler (butlerx) Ross O�sullivan (sully) Liam Rooney (ginger) Lorcan Boyle (zergless)
2016 Q4 Oskar McDermott (oskar) Senan Kelly(sentriz) George Burac (georgey) Tom Doyle (greenday) Dylan McDonald (grace) Cian Butler (butlerx) Cormac Smartt (pints)
2017 Q1
2017 Q2
2017 Q3 Terry Bolt (tbolt) Wojtek Bednarzak (voy) Ciara Godwin (hexagon) James McDermott (mctastic) Chris Dowling (winesnob) Nevan Oman Crowe(branch) Sahil Mehra(pr0n) Michal Durinik(mikello) Ben McMahon(mcmahon) Alex McGrath Kraak(akraak) Tom Doyle (greenday)
2017 Q4 Chris Dowling (winesnob) Josh Malone (sangreal) Anthony Doran(albino) Nevan Oman Crowe(branch) Cl�odhna Harrison (thegirl)
2018 Q1
2018 Q2
2018 Q3 James McDermott (mctastic) Nevan Oman Crowe(branch) Cl�odhna Harrison (thegirl) Conor Berns (berns) Sean Fradl (fradls2) Ben McMahon(mcmahon) Lucas Savva (m1cr0man)
2018 Q4 Eamon Crawford (eamon_c) Jack Liston (chill) Theo Coyne Morgan (depp) Maciej Swierad (mag1c) Connor Mulready (mulreac) Cian Kehoe (cianky) Daniel Christie (sun)
2019 Q1
2019 Q2
2019 Q3 Ben McMahon(mcmahon) Cian Kehoe (cianky) Sean Hammond (verren) Tara Collins (tara) Maciej Swierad (mag1c) James McDermott (mctastic) Kyle McCann (ylmcc) Shane Grouse (sedge) Josh Malone (sangreal)
2019 Q4 Nevan Oman Crowe(branch) Sean Colgan(bread) Grace Angulu(remus) Jake Grogan(rdog)