
From Redbrick Wiki



Deceased Hardware

Minerva ~


Type:4U Encom unit
OS:Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron
CPU:2 x Intel Xeon 5030 (Netburst arch, dual core, hyperthreading on each core) @ 2.66GHz
Storage:3ware RAID Controller, connected to internal storage array
 Dell PERC 6/E RAID Controller with 512MB RAM and a battery backup unit, connected to DAS
Disks:2 x 80GB SATA (Operating System)
 8 x 500GB SATA in RAID5 (Internal Storage Array)
Drives:Internal IDE CDROM
 Internal FDE Floppy
Network:2x Onboard Ethernet
 2x Other Ethernet
Blinking lights:Lots of them.


There were rumours flying around that the SPC had some extra cash left over at the end of the 2006/2007 academic year, and Redbrick hadn't splashed out on a major new purchase in a long time. Also, we were in desperate need of more storage space, with gallery.redbrick eating up space on Deathray like nobody's business. So we decided to purchase a machine with, as Eoghan (atlas) described it, "an assload of storage". So Eoghan sourced the machine from Encom, we applied for a grant, we got the grant (whee!), and it now sits happily in the server room.

In February 2010 it became the host machine for Redbrick's new DAS, Worf, connected via a Dell PERC 6/E RAID controller.


There were rumours flying around that the SPC had some extra cash left over at the end of the 2006/2007 academic year, and Redbrick hadn't splashed out on a major new purchase in a long time. Also, we were in desperate need of more storage space, with gallery.redbrick eating up space on Deathray like nobody's business. So we decided to purchase a machine with, as Eoghan (atlas) described it, "an assload of storage". So Eoghan sourced the machine from Encom, we applied for a grant, we got the grant (whee!), and it now sits happily in the server room.

In February 2010 it became the host machine for Redbrick's new DAS, Worf, connected via a Dell PERC 6/E RAID controller.

On the 22nd of April 2011 Minerva is retired as our primary login server. Worf was removed from Minerva and connected to Azazel.

It is intended that Minerva will be re-provisioned as our new Windows server.


  • Available for login