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14th - Valentines' Event in The Fleet (Shift a Trinner?)
Miscellaneous photos from a house party.


13th - Event in Good Time Charlies nightclub in Howth. Reports from this event suggest that some Redbrick guys got off with each other, and that staff at the venue were exasperated by the end of the night.


  • Chairperson: Thalia
  • Secretary: Spock
  • Treasurer: Hms
  • PRO and ents are split into two positions on the committee (not for long though)
  • Ents: Kod
  • PRO: superfly
  • A new position called helpdesk is setup to help members learn to use the system
  • Helpdesk: Barkerj, Wishkah, and Fatwa
  • Systems Administrators: Wibble, Drjolt, and Plop
  • Webmaster: Andy

Standing order voted in at committee meeting:

NEW MOTION:- any committee member who posts what they believe to be committee and society policy on the BBS, takes the risk of being wrong, and they should consult with other committee members first. If they don't consult with others, and they are in fact wrong in what they say, they will lose BBS posting privileges for two weeks. The same applies to any committee member who publicly (on the BBS or otherwise), puts down another committee member in relation to society work they do, or claims that they are doing said work wrong. Such matters should be brought to the attention of the committee, and not to the BBS.

The punishment, as said above, is suspension of BBS posting privileges for two weeks (That is, after the committee have agreed that what was said, or done, was wrong.)





Etiquette file sent to all users to give guidelines on behaviour on the system.


The Third generation of brickies arrives in DCU.

The BBS has been replaced by flin, a terminal menu system, NNTP newsgroups, ytalk, a wrapper around the write command called "hey" and a chat program. The first news reader after the BBS was tin, apparently slrn was more similar to the BBS news reader than tin. Members complain that new system doesn't have as many options as the old one. Members complain that new redbrick house is more complicated than old one.

Because tin didn't look like the BBS, plop wrote a newsreader which looked quite a bit like BBS, called 'shite' (apparently stands for 'shit emulator') this was the default for FLIN users for a while, until it was eventually renamed to 'rbnews' (as it looked not very good loking at the w listing having 30 users using 'shite'). shite eventually disappeared on the move to mother.

The chat software was the result of development work done by Pooka and Plop. Pooka spent some of the summer beating sense into a chat server called NUTS (Neil's Unix Talk Server), and he added lots of features and generally cleaned up the code. Plop wrote a curses based client for NUTS, called ITCHY, hence Redbrick's main chat software was bizarrely entitled Itchy Nuts - "Imaginatively titled client heralding yapping on Neil's UNIX talk server".



  • Thalia resigns as chair of redbrick.
  • Floppy is elected as new chair at an EGM.
  • The old constitution was suspended for the duration of the EGM.
  • This EGM also brings in a new constitution without quorum.
  • PRO position was merged with Ents.

Fancy dress halloween event in the Jolly Beggarman pub in Artane. "Susan" won the best prize. Party afterwards in Wishkahs. Some locals gatecrash, causing an altercation.

Police in riot gear turned up when the brickies were all loitering outside The Jolly Beggarman deciding where to go. They were probably just driving by anyway, and they noticed Thayl and Kod on top of some telephone boxes... The party in Wishkah's after the Jolly Beggarman was quite good. It was also quite entertaining to see the look on the faces of the scummers who were told to leave, after they had given away all their beer. As well as the look on Pooka's face after one of them punched him in the face.


26th - Intersocs event called "The Fireball" in Break For The Border. Pictures from the event are here.

Redbrick gets the machine "mother". Valen named it Mother after the computer in "Aliens." redbrick.org was registered.
