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4th - User pumpkin's account is compromised around now. Read ~singer/incident. Backup of the above file is here)

19th - Grant Allocation for Redbrick:

   Alt.Rag Ball -              500
   Bands (for above)           500
   Intersoc (? what the fuck?) 60
   ? (weekend away I presume)  1104
   ? (travel for above I pres.)1020
   Porterbus (What the hell?)  500
   DJ (for the eh.. portbus?)  150
   Network cards -             130
   Switch -                    2473.24
   2 Tapes -                   34
   Server Cabinet -            1329
   MotherBoard -               85
   Graphics card -             22

25th - Adam (cthulhu) and Bobb (bobb) add a new CPU to redbrick this evening.


7th - Redbrick crash.

11th - Valen sets up the first LDAP server on Redbrick. 11th - Admin & Heldesk exams.

14th - EGM. Cokane is elected to helpdesk after Bubble resigns. Phil and Pixies are elected as admins.

14th - Valentine's Event in Drumm's Emporium. DJs HomerJ and Singer were in full effect and pizza was on hand/in belly.

16th - Redbrick hosts an "Open Computer Laboratory" (part of open learning week) in LG27 10am-5pm. Sponsored by Local Ireland.

  10 am    Boomer    Dmcaul     Spock
  11 am    Boomer    Mike_d     Spock       Prince_v    Phil
  12 am    Justin    Mike_d     Spock       prince_v    Phil
  1  pm    Elmer     Bubble     Moridin     Redgiant
  2  pm    Justin    Bubble     Moridin     Redgiant
  3  pm    Eoin      Declan     Elmer       Cokane
  4  pm    Eoin      Bubble     Elmer       Cokane

16th - redbrick.things.we.love deleted by singer after posts to a thread called "Days" by sexy@rb and air@rb.

17th - Windows 2000 launched.

21st - Rag Week. Redbrick, the SU, and some other people (mostly redbrick though ;o)) turned out on a _very_ cold Monday morning to collect for the Irish Cancer Society on the Ballymun and Swords Roads (at the junctions with Collins Avenue). Then they did the same again in the day at rush hour. Redbrick also had a bouncy castle in DCU. In association with Trad Soc we had an event in Whelans. Trad soc, Jilted, Relish, Tea & Sympathy (American band) all played great sets.

21st - Paddy and lep disusered for a few days for abuse to members.

23rd - Problem on Redbrick re diskspace. Pixies@rb (admin) mails committee to cut down some of their personal space.

29th - Kpodesta@rb sends a mail to some members, inviting them to be Gophers.


2nd - Slack joins webgroup.

4th - The PS2 launched in Japan.

6th - Suggestion of a Redbrick Programming Competition (on the committee list).

14th - Bong@rb disusered for 14 days for encouraging people to run trojaned commands from his homedir.

14th - Redbrick's entries for Clubs & Socs awards: Spock as Best Individual, Phil as Best Fresher.

  Best Society (redbrick):
  DCU Networking Society, aka Redbrick, has established itself as the biggest,
  and most active society on campus in the last two years.  This year,
  Redbrick's nearly 1,300 members benefitted from the purchase of a new ultra
  fast twin Pentium III server, more disk space, more memory, and a more
  reliable service. With e-mail, newsgroup, chat, web, and hundreds of other
  services, Redbrick has become THE server of choice for the DCU student.
  Opening the first semester with the biggest society event of the year,
  Redbrick have worked hard to offer weekends away, social nights, pub quizzes,
  tutorials, helpdesk technical support, and an education to it's members.
  Heavily involved in DCU activity this year, Redbrick has developed and hosted
  DCU's first online meeting area for students of CA3 and BS2, hosted a North
  Dublin Access Open Learning Festival computer session, and were instrumental
  in raising over 3,500 pounds for the Irish Cancer Society during Rag Week.
  Jon Lundberg (spock):
  Now in his third term on the Redbrick committee, Jonathan has been a model of
  dedication and an inspiration to everyone involved.    His leadership has seen
  Redbrick take a lead in DCU Society life, and membership figures of almost
  1,300 speak for themselves.  He has been actively involved in every aspect of
  the soc, and was instrumental in orchestrating sponsorship deals, University
  alliances, relations with other societies, and Redbrick involvement with the
  Open Learning Festival, as well as working hard during Rag Week to raise over
  ?3000 pounds for the Irish Cancer Society through road collections, bouncy
  castles, and nights on the town.  Jonathan's presence on the committee will be
  difficult to followup, but the society he leaves behind is in a strong
  position, and will continue to serve.  We wish Jonathan the best of luck in
  his campaign to become the next president of the Students Union.
  Philip Reynolds (phil):
  What can you say about a guy who having just finished his Leaving Cert,
  e-mails the committee of Redbrick to tell them that he's coming to DCU, and
  wants to help out?  That is no joke.
  Phil arrived in DCU having heard about Redbrick over the Internet, and had a
  ruthless determination to get involved.  Freshers day saw him not out on the
  Sports Complex floor, but behind the Redbrick recruiting desk, signing up his
  fellow first years.  From there Phil became involved with the Redbrick
  Webgroup, the developers of the Redbrick website (www.redbrick.dcu.ie), and
  earned our admiration and respect.  When INTRA meant the departure of some
  Admins, Phil was glad to share his knowledge and commitment by running for the
  position at an EGM, and getting elected, proving his popularity among society
  members.  Phil is a model member, an example to us all, and hopefully in for
  the long haul on the Redbrick Committee.

15th - Spock announces intention to run for SU President. Eventually he pulls out of the race, & helps with Hugo Brady's election campaign (who got elected).

16th - Bootie resigns.

16th - Complaint from SU President re Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kempf" being hosted on mellow@rb's webpage.

22nd - Phil runs disk accounting to find largest disk users.

27th - Redbrick takes part in "Battle of the Socs" during RAG week. Quiz in the bar with 3 rounds (questions on DCU, how well do you know your society, general knowledge). Versus Sinn Fein, Fianna Fail, Debate Soc, Aussie Soc.

27th - IRC was re-installed on redbrick about now. It only really took off when the next batch of freshers came to DCU.


1st - Kpodesta changes the Redbrick frontpage to look like it was hacked (some 3133t text with a link to SLAKERS on thayl's page - see encyclopedia for more about SLAKERS), and fools everyone on the committee...

5th - Redbrick Web Design competition announced.

5th - redbrick.org & redbrick.net registered by elmer@rb.

6th - AGM (DCU Business School). Kpodesta is elected as chair (and performs a rap, co-written with thayl@rb who supplied the music). Moridin is elected as secretary. Spock is elected as treasurer. P is elected as PRO. Bootie is elected as ents officer. Cokane, Redgiant, and Mark are elected as helpdesk. There is no admin election. Bubble is elected as webmaster.

A trip to the Japanese restaurant/noodle bar Wagamamas follows then ppl scatter to different pubs/clubs. Most head to Whelans.

8th - Power outage in DCU, 7.30pm

8th - First redbrick wedding. Wibble (Dermot Hanley) and Sarah (Sarah Fadian) get married. Sandman (Mike McHugh) is the best man.

12th - Phil and Mark visit James Healy in CSD re opening ports (NNTP, CVS, mail, DNS). CSD currently run a 2 MBit line to HEAnet, from "next week" they will run a 10 MBit line.

13th - SPC AGM. Declan Boylan (decob@rb) elected chairperson, Jon Lundberg (spock@rb) elected secretary.

13th - Munchkin "officially" resigns from helpdesk (replacement was voted in at the previous AGM).

17th - First committee meeting of the new committee.

17th - Redbrick's entry to the DCU SU student handbook (written by spock@rb):

  DCU's nominee for the Bics Awards 2000 (Best Society in Ireland), in just
  four short years, Redbrick has become a phenomenon, with little over
  1,300 members.  With it's Turbo Charged Server set up, they offer the DCU
  student an unrivaled array of services; custom e-mail account, web site
  setup, newsgroup discussions, file storage of up to 50 megabytes
  accessible from any pc in college, chat system, and a 365 day a year
  helpdesk service for your computing problems.  Redbrick is also fast
  becoming the de facto method of communication between other societies,
  clubs, and the Students Union, so if you wanna know what's going on, get
  There's more to life than computers though, and that's why Redbrick
  insist on providing members with legendary nights out throughout the
  year.  Last year saw them fill Break for the Border to capacity with over
  650 people enjoying the luxury of a free night out, a weekend in Cork, a
  karting trip, hallowe'en party, christmas dinner at the races, Rag Week
  mayhem, and annual bashes with other colleges from all over the country.
  Redbrick is the biggest society for a reason, keep your head screwed on
  while at college and for a measly two quid, we'll keep your ear to the
  ground for you.

20th - Redbrick go to BICS as DCU's nomination for Best Society. Julie@rb and Phil@rb attend in Limerick.

26th - Talk by HEAnet about what they do (Mike Norris and Dave Wilson) - XG21, 7pm-9pm.

26th - Closing date for Web design competition

27th - Clubs & Socs ball

29th - Ports access on CSD routers/firewalls is enabled for requested ports (DNS, NTP, NNTP, SMTP).

Sites currently hosted by redbrick include funliam.com, perv.org, redbrick.org and redbrick.net

Members think that renaming to .mp4 is a nice way to hide their mp3 collection ;)


2nd - PSU failure on Enigma.

5th - New switch ordered, Cisco 2900 (22 x 100BaseTX + 2 x 100BaseFX ports) by Dave Murphy (drjolt@rb). This fell through (the company ordered from went into receivership), thankfully we didn't pay any money!

9th - Helpdesk mailing list set up.

12th - Kpodesta and Phil meet with SU to be told that Redbrick servers will be housed in the "publications office" of the student centre, were given a tour, and were assured access would be no problem.

12th - Redgiant has discussion with CSD to be told that they're considering implementing a clubsocs.dcu.ie domain for all Clubs & Societies (redbrick currently host all Clubs & Socs websites).

16th - Prof. Alan Smeaton (CA) emails spock@rb regards the possibility of involvement with Linux on CA's S/390 system. Prompts some discussion on committee list and mention of Beowulf cluster experimenting. John Looney (valen@rb) mails Brian Stone (CA) about the possibility, to enthusiastic response.

17th - Virtual hosts added for every DCU Club & Society (i.e. club.redbrick.dcu.ie).

30th - Phil leaves webgroup to concentrate on admin stuff.


17th - Redbrick FreeBSD upgrade. IRC and POP are down.

Sometime during summer The Slipper on Ballymun Road is closed for refurbishment and re-opens as Matt Weldon's.

The college shop moves to a room in the Henry Gratten while work goes on building the Hub. The college shop later re-opens in the Hub as Spar but with same staff as before (plus a few new slower additions).


9th - CSD downtime (switch upgrade).

15th - colmmacc joins webgroup.

24th - Redbrick crash. Unknown cause, likely overheating.

28th - Meeting in CA with IBM for initial discussion re S/390 access.


10th - CSD (James Healy) kindly donate a rack and fibre switch to redbrick.

11th - Network outage (CSD).

NNTP-Cache news server is being installed to put newsgroups under identd.

24th - 3 x old lab PCs in CA were donated to Redbrick.

27th - Proposals for projects on IBM S/390 were mailed to CA.

29th - Redbrick build of Putty (by colmmacc@rb) is made.

29th - The donated rack from CSD is picked up and moved to the Student Centre (from the Physics building to the publications office in the student centre, new redbrick home). Physically moved by tibor, huey, phil, kpodesta.


The sixth generation of brickies land in DCU.

Newly created/rejuvinated societies include the Green Society, Music Soc, Art Soc, Dance Soc, and the Pool Club.

DCU adds Student Webmail and personalised portals to their website.

The School of Computer Applications releases Fischlar. A system which allows you to record television programmes and watch them streamed later on. They give free computers to some ppl living in res to allow them to use Fischlar.

19th - Redbrick moved in entireity from Henry Grattan (original place) to Student Centre (publications office). Student Union webserver, enigma, nanny, are in the new rack (from CSD), as well as the switch. Everything else remains in the monolith.

20th - "The Big Day out" in DCU's Freshers week.

26th - pixies resigns as admin.

26th - The Hub in DCU is officially opened. Tom from the Big Brother programme is there. 'The 4 of Us' played. Maybe others *shrug*


18th - Freshers' Ball in the Temple Bar Music Centre. DJ HomerJ djs in the bar while David Kitt and Jilted perform on stage. Bands are followed by resident DJ guy.

19th - Singer leaves webgroup to concentrate on making mucho dinero.

31st - Halloween event in the new bar in the Hub. In association with Film Soc, Art Soc, and ST:DCU. Film Soc showed "A Nightmare on Elm Street" then the spookily decorated new bar had DJ Singer and crew providing the musical mix while Art Soc painted faces. The chair of redbrick, kpodesta, got a "red brick" (geddit!?) painted on his face. Try and find a photo of it!

Disuserments: Banana: for aliasing pico to tibors script on Dans account. Spinal cancelled a posting by Moridin by faking his .slrnrc file - he was warned that doing it again would result in disuserment.

redbrick.nokia-effin-game newsgroup is setup. The Nokia game was a game which Nokia mobile phone users could take part in, where they received text and voice messages giving them clues to proceed in the game.Redgiant and Patrickm were the two main players on redbrick.


Multi-story carpark in DCU opens sometime around now.

9th - Games Night The first of many. This was held in the Nethouse in Rathmines overnight. Gamers played Quake, Counterstrike, and Command & Conquer, all on a diet of coke and chocolate chip cookies.

14th - Helpdesk tutorial on basics of using redbrick.

21st - EGM. Tibor is elected as ents officer after Bootie resigns. Macbain and Noelfitz are elected admins after Bobb and Pixies resign.

Several constitutional ammendments (typo corrections, a new position of equipment officer, and a requirement for committee members to attend a certain number of meetings on a regular basis, among other things..) were proposed but it was pointed out that the meeting no longer had quorum so it was disbanded.

Secondary school teachers' strike begins.

22nd - First DCU Societies Ball held in the Grand Hotel in Malahide. Organised in part by Redbrick (Spock@rb/Bootie@rb), Physeng (dad@rb), Aussie Soc (decob@rb), GAA Supporters.


6th - Christmas event in collaboration with Film Soc in Frazers of O' Connell St. Food is served and DJs Singer and HomerJ provide the musical backing.

"Hybrid" event in the Hub by Media Production Society and Dance Society.

The Postgraduate residences in DCU are opened. They have a full-size snooker table!!