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Shadow starts his posting logs now that nntp-cache shows the username of the person that posted in the headers.

First issue of Students' Union semesterly magazine SUAS published.


18th - Doc leaves webgroup.

19th - Rag Week. Redbrick along with the SPC and other volunteers again turned up very early in the morning to collect for charity. The collection was in aid of the Rape Crisis Centre and the Childrens' Hospital.

Cokane starts a postathon on the boards with Scrawny and gets disusered for an hour by bubble.

Dax.redbrick.dcu.is is setup as a machine for use by CTYI (Centre for Talented Youth in Ireland). This was one of the machines donated by the School of Computer Applications to Redbrick.

Foot and Mouth emerges in the UK for the first time in 20 years. Precautions are taken in the UK and Ireland which includes cancelling of unnecessary events.

A few days of downtime due to a corruption of the /usr disks. Replacement disks from the soon to be installed RAID array are used. It takes a while to get everything (website content, mailing lists, etc..) up and running again and some members become as grouchy as Oscar the Grouch.

Huh is written by Colmmacc and installed on the system. This program allows users to see the last five ppl that heyed them. Prior to this users had to just mass hey their friends asking who heyed or hey shadow and ask him to check his logs :o)


6th - Redbrick begins weekly tutorials in LG25 of the CA Building. The first two tutorials are about writing webpages in HTML and using FTP to upload them to redbrick. The third tutorial showed people how to setup Windowmaker and KDE on their Solaris accounts in CA, as well as giving a basic introduction to commandline UNIX.

9th - Galway trip was planned for this date but cancelled due to Foot and Mouth (and numbers).

13th - redbrick.test newsgroup is setup for a helpdesk tutorial.

Confirmed case of F&M in the Republic of Ireland, on the border between Louth and the North.

25th - Magluby introduces OpBot to Redbrick IRC. Previously he had been screening a chat session and manually logging stuff.

26th - Talks given about HEAnet by HEAnet ppl, and about the history of the internet in Ireland and where it's heading by Tom Murphy of Spin Solutions.

31st - redbrick.design is setup.


Second issue of Students' Union semesterly magazine SUAS published.

2nd - Redbrick gives a Macromedia Flash and SQL tutorial in LG25.

7th - OpBot becomes StopGap.

9th - Redbrick gives PHP tutorial in LG25.

11th - redbrick.karl.and.sheila is setup. Kpodesta and Sheila frequently had their own threads (or threads they made their own) on the boards so after many calls from Odyssey of "Get a room", Drjolt gave them the next best thing, their own board.

11th - redbrick.odyssey is setup. Many ppl had suggested over the years that Odyssey get his own board. Drjolt finally imprisoned him in his own board. He wasn't able to post to any other board bar this one.

17th - AGM. Thor is elected as chair. Moridin is elected as secretary. Tibor is elected treasurer. Magluby is elected ents officer. Montoya is elected as PRO. Phil, Mark, and Cns are elected as admins. Colmmacc is elected as webmaster. Esoteric, Marvin, and Kamili are elected to helpdesk.

17th - Redbrick anniversary/post-AGM event in Conways of Parnell St. Some of the founders and members from years past turn up. Table quiz is held and a birthday cake is served. Afterwards a few hardy souls retire to downstairs part of Bacchus (Aquarium). Pictures from the event are here.

19th - Redbrick wins Best Society award at the DCU Clubs & Societies awards. Kpodesta wins Best Individual.

20th - Redbrick wins Best Society award at the BIC awards (held in DCU).

23rd - redbrick.karl.and.sheila and redbrick.odyssey groups deleted.

25th - A Sun E450, sponsored by Sun and given to Redbrick, arrived in DCU.

25th - redbrick.computing.security created.

26th - The E450 (called Pleasenameme, and finally prodigy) goes online.


15th - redbrick.history created.

17th - redbrick.computing.programming.help created. redbrick.computing.programming.discuss is created. redbrick.computing.unix.newbie created.

21st - The Taoiseach of Ireland, Bertie Ahern, comes to DCU to talk about the work done by Redbrick, after we won the BICS award and got the Sun E450 sponsorship. He also comes for the launch of DCU's strategic plan but Redbrick had him booked to come first :o) The Taoiseach referred to a BrickNews post by DoC, saying 'beer is what redbrick's all about!'. The non-drinking DoC curses the non-existence of a sarcastic smiley.

26/27th - redbrick.computing.programming is removed.

31st - Redbrick holds Internet workshop for classes of local primary school children in LG25.


1st - redbrick.computing.history created.

1st - The internet workshops for school children continue on the 1st, 8th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, and the 21st of this month.

15th - Access to tolka finally ends and students must use camac.

30th - First proper meeting of the cluster group project that Redbrick is doing for CA.


12th - redbrick.bigbrother created. Applications to play Redbrick Big Brother are invited. 20th - 6 Redbrick members enter the Big Brother board. They are david, emperor, huey, redgiant, shadow, and thayl.

23rd - redbrick.bigbrother.diaryroom.username boards are added for each contestant. redbrick.bigbrother.diaryroom board is removed.


17th - Shadow wins Redbrick Big Brother.

22nd - redbrick.shopping newsgroup added. redbrick.bigbrother boards removed (except for .discuss)

29th - redbrick.muppet created so brickies can bitch about people :o)


11th - Hijackers crash planes into the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. Redbrick IRC log from that day.

14th - The Gamecube is launched in Japan

26th - Mary Harney, Tanaiste, formally opens the INVENT building in DCU.


4th - redbrick.things.we.learn is created after a suggestion by valen.

10th - Clubs and Societies day in DCU. Redbrick sign up about 750 people on the day and an estimated 85-90% of them are freshers. The Green Party Society is founded this year.

11th - An Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, officially opens the Hub, despite it being "opened" by Tom from the first Big Brother last year. Shane McGowan and the Popes play at the "Grand Grand opening of the Hub". Attendance at the event is low.

15th - The new login server Prodigy comes online. The seventh generation of brickies log on for the first time.

15th - Redbrick Freshers event in the Temple Bar Music Centre. Turn and Bijou play followed by a dj.

16th - First redbrick tutorial of the year held in LG25. Freshers are shown how to use redbrick's basic facilities such as chat. 25th - redbrick.music.making board is created after a suggestion by thayl. 25th - Windows XP launched.


8th - The XboX is launched in the USA

14th - redbrick.nokia-effin-game board recreated.

11th - The Gameboy Advance is launched in the USA.

18th - The Gamecube is launched int the USA.

20th - Bubble leaves webgroup, and Emperor joins webgroup.

26th - Helpdesk gives a tutorial in LG25 on Flash. P gives the talk. Kamili's dog is finally put into web form at the tutorial


13th - Redbrick Christmas event in association with FilmSoc and DCU Martial Arts Club held in SoSuMe Poster for the event is here.