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IRC server is set up on redbrick, replacing ITCHY NUTS.
Grimnar made his committee and admin mail publically readable making it possible for people to read other member's passwords and committee business.
Funliam is conceived sometime between Sept 98 and March 99.
Libtut is conceived sometime in the first half of 99.

Spinal resigns from committee around now.


2nd - Huey disusered for using password obtained from Grimnar's mail.

22nd - Rag Week.
23rd - Redbrick holds the first Alt.Rag.Ball in association with the SU in The Funnel.
This starts the trend of Alternative Rag Balls.
The Frames, Kid Icarus, and Palomine played, while Thayl and Singer djed.
huey and anto (i think?) get thrown out for crowdsurfing.

The SU also does a Rag Trip to Cork during Rag Week which is great, but cost them a fortune, which is why they didn't attempt another one until 2002.
Henry Gratten maps added to Shadowmap.


Associate membership introduced with CSD's consent.

JHammer incident?

4th - EGM. Cthulhu and Whc are elected as admins.

redbrick.house.of.jam is created and removed around this time.
redbrick.things.tanya.hates created around now, but renamed to redbrick.things.we.hate soon after.

Jasper got a second account called mother and attempted to impersonate an admin to get people's passwords.

17th - Funliam campaign is mailed...

22nd - Funliam.com is setup, funliam@rb is also setup around now..

25th - Funliam manifesto is mailed by Andy (jesus@rb). He questions if the funliam joke is getting old yet.


PRO and Ents become two seperate positions on committee (again).
Spock is elected as chair.
Bootie is elected as secretary.
Otto is elected as treasurer.
Julie is elected as PRO.
Celery is elected as ents officer.
Bubble, Elmer, and Munchkin are elected as helpdesk.
Bobb, Whc, and Cthulhu are elected as admins.
Singer is elected as webmaster.
Kpodesta makes a speech on behalf of Funliam.
The Funliam account was setup by now.

12th - First mention of Libtut.

26th - "Remote Control", TV Themed event in the Funnel nightclub in association with the Aussie Soc.
Inquiline and Things with Wings played upstairs while DJs Singer, Thayl, and HomerJ played block rocking beats downstairs.
huey and anto allowed into the funnel - bouncer buys huey/anto a pint after throwing them out earlier in the year!


14th - "Shut up Karl" - the epic begins.

Megabytes, the dreadfully titled restaurant beside the Gym closes.
This becomes the site of the new bigger gym, while the gym's old location becomes an aerobics studio. Redbrick members mourn the loss of tasty BLTs in DCU.



Sometime in the summer of this year the redbrick site was redesigned by kpodesta and the rest of webgroup the new machine Enigma was being setup.

26th - the new CA building is officially opened by the Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern.

Also at some point the Henry Gratten gets Macintosh labs to facilitate the new Multimedia degree and the normal PCs get upgraded with HUGE monitors.

The old bar got a much needed major makeover at some point over the summer.

The Wilde Space was torn down to make way for the Postgrad residences.



The fifth generation of brickies arrive in DCU.
The first Redbrick booklet for newbies is made.

New degree in the Faculty of Humanities (aka the Henry Gratten) called Multimedia, kinda like CS with computers ;o)

CA degree gets redesigned so that from this year on, when you go into second year you choose one of three different streams of study.
The number of students in first year of the CA degree doubles to ~300.


First issue of campus newspaper The College View (known to some brikkies as the College Spiew) appears.

11th - Redbrick's new machine, Enigma, running FreeBSD is launched. Enigma was built in DoC and cthulhu's house, with a lot of Brickies camping out getting the new server and website working the weekend of the launch.
This replaces the previous server known as Mother, which suffered from general flakey hardware and OS issues.

12th - Freshers' Event in Break For The Border.
Mint and Kid Icarus played followed by the resident DJ.

26th - Halloween event in Bacchus. Thayl and Singer DJ.
After the move to enigma users program doesn't support -l option.
Numerous users install or write their own versions.
Shadow writes his version of users which lists users in columns and shows number of logins. Colour is added to the program with different colours for friends and committee.


5th - Trip to Cork.
More precisely, to UCC. We stayed in a hostel and attended a weekend of Linux (courtesy of LAID nerds) and partying in some nightclub called Stalin's. Leisureplexing was also enjoyed, although huey,p and tibor weren't let because it was "21s" so cain, spock and others did the honourable (foolish) thing and left in solidarity. Everyone else stayed and bowled and quasared. Photos from the event.

22nd - EGM.
Kpodesta is elected as webmaster after Singer resigns.
Orly is elected as ents officer after Celery resigns.
dot also ran for the position of ents.

Newer version of Shadowmap written using curses library.
Shadow officially gives it the name "shadowmap", previously it was just "map", although ppl referred to it as shadow map.


2nd - Intersocs event called "Apocalypse Quite Soon" in the Temple Bar Music Centre. UCD, TCD, Maynooth, UL, Galway, and other Netsocs were in attendance.
Wilt, Jilted, and Prospero played live.

8th - First Christmas event in conjunction with the recently restarted Film Society along with the Turf Appreciation Society. Ppl went to races in Shelbourne Park then retired to club Mono (upstairs of Mean Fiddler).

8th - "spockbot/fascist" is introduced in #lobby to give committee channel ops & kick people out if needed.

14th - Barry (bubble) resigns from committee, but stays on webgroup.

17th - "spockbot/fascist" is decommissioned by cthulhu because it was op'ing anyone and everyone.