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Redbrick gets donated two Alpha servers. One from HEAnet and the other from DCU CSD.


5th - DCU students and students from other colleges and universities protest in Dublin city centre against a possible rise in college fees. DCUSU put buses on for the protest.

11th - Redbrick Table Quiz in the Old Bar. It was a great success with about 75 teams competing. The team "Fuckin' Class We Are" (which included jasper@rb) came first and won a DVD Player each. The team "Sun" (which included sandman@rb) came second and won a digital camera each. The team "The Cynics" (montoya's team) came third and got a lava lamp each for their trouble.

15th - Anti-war protest in Dublin attracts between 80,000 and 100,000 people.

18th - New Redbrick site design goes live.

18th - Redbrick Alt.rag Ball in Isaac Butt's featuring DCU computer graduate turned comedian Neil Delamare and Podge (aka Funk) and his band. The bar supported the event with €3 pints of Budweiser.

19th - Redbrick brings Prof. Kevin Warwick to the Venue in DCU to give a talk which is streamed live from the Venue in the Hub thanks to all the work from memeber volunteers, espically the efforts of Grimnar and Dimples.

26th - Lance Spitzner (from Honeynet project) gives talk for Redbrick on honeypots in CG-86.


10th - Cain leaves Redbrick and many tears are shed.

12th - Architecture meeting for admins to discuss Redbrick's admin issues.

19th - Redbrick begins selling caps with the Redbrick logo on them.

20th - The war in Iraq starts.

20th - Redbrick.war is created.

21st - Redbrick.gm created for general meetings.

26th - Semnet is held for the first time. This event was mainly organised by Kpodesta on behalf of Redbrick.

31st - Jon "Mad Dog" Hall gives talk for Redbrick.


First issue of Flashback appears. It is edited by griffin.

15th - AGM. Emperor is elected as chair. Purdy and Roro also ran. Cns is elected as secretary. Dimples is elected as treasurer. Aeris is elected as PRO. Dramaq is elected as ents officer. Colmmacc, Dizer and Prolix are elected as admins. Skyhawk is elected as webmaster. Cambo, Keloe, and Sunshine are elected to helpdesk. Dr_gonzo also ran. The AGM was held at 8pm (previous years it was 6.30 or 7) apparently because some of the committee were on INTRA or else because it was the earliest they could get the room. The post AGM event was in the Turk's Head.

22nd - Prodigy uptime reaches 131 days before a power cut stops it.


3rd - redbrick.events created to discuss Redbrick events.

7th - Redbricks new server arrives and is installed in the new Redbrick Room

(~) > ping deathray.redbrick.dcu.ie [16:06]
deathray.redbrick.dcu.ie is alive

12th - Redbricks new server goes live and is named Deathray. The name is from a joke about dimples using Redbrick's money to finance a death ray.. or something.

 ____		_	_	  ____
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|____/ \___|\__,_|\__|_| |_|_| \_\__,_|\__, |


5th - lists.ilug newsgroup created so users can follow the mailing list.

21st - Special Olympics starts in Ireland. DCU hosts some events.

21st - redbrick.computing.networking newsgroup created.



20th - Deathray becomes the primary login server, all logins now accepted at login.redbrick.dcu.ie, redbrick.dcu.ie is no more.

29th - Deathray is renamed carbon. Its cooler and it has "rb" in it. Apparently admins did a "grep '.*rb.*' /usr/share/lib/dict/words | less" and thought that carbon was the pick of the bunch.


9th - Google celebrates its 5th Birthday

23rd - Prodigy is down for two days for a complete reinstall/upgrade of Solaris. After the reboot ftp is disabled permanently spelling the end of ftp for redbrick. Users must now use scp

25th - Prodigy comes back online, some stuff does work "Mail Deliveries, IMAP, Webtree access, Webserver, Mailman, IRC, MySQL" and some stuff doesnt "Postgresql,SpamAssassin, Peered News, Webmail" Prodigy should be fully operational in about a week.


8th - Clubs & Socs Day The 9th generation of Brickies join. Redbrick signs up ~200 new members. A Redbrick booklet was also available. (2.6M)

Redbrick and Filmsoc are once again relegated to the upstairs of the Hub for the second year running. All Clubs & Socs had to use and official book w/ receipts, to sign up members.

14th - The redbrick events page is created. Now members can see upcoming events,posters and pictures from previous events.

15th - Redbrick E.G.M - The first E.G.M of the year was held @ 5pm in QG13. Positions up for grabs were Treasurer and System Administrator. Mael was elected Treasurer replacing Dimples. Tuama was elected Admin replacing Colmmacc.

15th - Redbrick Freshers Event Venue: Temple Bar Music Centre Who played: Myles & Dara from Juno Falls, Label, Popstar, Sinister Pete(DJ) Some pictures of the event might be found here

19th - Daraom is the first generation 9 Redbrick member to login @ 15:14

19th - Alcoanto is the first generation 9 member to post to the boards @ 16:08:54

21st - The first Redbrick tutorial of the year covering the "Basics of Redbrick" was held in LG25 @ 7pm.

28th - Halloween Event - Redbrick held a Halloween event in Matt Weldon's. Fancy dress was optional but encouraged.


3rd - Intersocs event, was in UL. Subject: Tech talks and retro gaming.


Second issue of Flashback published. This edition later wins a smedia for best magazine.

9th - Redbrick Christmas Party was held in Coyote Free Sweets, Games, Mystery Santa(art_wolf@rb) Pictures of the event can be found here.

10th - Redbrick Deathray Depreciation Day Use of the hostname "deathray" deprecated today.

11th - Deathray Returns In associstion with RAT redbrick got a new Dell Poweredge Server, with - Dual 3.06 GHZ Xeon's - 4 GB's of RAM - 5 x 73GB 10,000 SCSI Disks - External SCSI Card - 3 Year next business day support :)

Heres the post to .announce, some pictures if the install and the motd

13th - Sadam Hussein was captured near his home town of Tikrit in an operation codenamed 'Red Dawn'. He was found hiding in a 6ft x 8ft hole in the ground.

18th - Shadowmap is updated to include C100, the MMA only lab in the Henry Grattan. The first people to appear on it were wexy & thor.