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(New page: {{Timeline Years}} Category: Redbrick History ==January== 13th - Redbrick's new primary login server is ordered. 13th - Brief downtime from between 17:40 and 17:50 to update C librarie...)
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[[Category: Redbrick History]]
[[Category: Redbrick History]]
*13th - Redbrick's new primary login server is ordered.
13th - Redbrick's new primary login server is ordered.
*13th - Brief downtime from between 17:40 and 17:50 to update C libraries.
13th - Brief downtime from between 17:40 and 17:50 to update C libraries.
*28th - Redbrick's new server arrives. Currently it remains unnamed.
28th - Redbrick's new server arrives. Currently it remains unnamed.
*28th - Migration of Redbrick's servers to Ubuntu 10.04 begins.
28th - Migration of Redbrick's servers to Ubuntu 10.04 begins.
*6th - Seamus Ronan (train) resigns as Admin due to increased workload in his course.
*17th - Redbrick's new login server [[Azazel]] is opened to members for testing.
*21st - Start of Tech Week 2011:
Monday, 7PM - Launch Party, Nubar
Monday, 7PM - Strange Things Quiz, Nubar
Tuesday, 1PM - Web Security Talk with Richard Dalton
Tuesday, 1PM - Cyber Bullying Seminar with DCUSU
Tuesday, 6PM - Cyber Terrorism Simulation with Model UN
Tuesday, 6PM - Karaoke trip to Bonga with Gamessoc
Wednesday, 2PM - Arduino 101 Workshop with Jeffrey Roe, XG22
Wednesday, 2PM - Retro Gaming with Gamessoc, Old Bar
Wednesday, 5:30PM - Mark Little Talk with JournoSoc, C104
Wednesday, 6PM - Strange Things Movie Screening, QG21
Thursday, 12PM - Social Media and Online Security seminar with Dr. The Lynn, The Venue
Thursday, 1PM - 3D Modelling talk with Dave Larkan, LG25
Thursday, 6PM - Anime Screening with Anime and Manga Society, C165
Thursday, 6:15PM - “Lightning Presentations” with Engineering Soc, CG03

*1st - Brief downtime for Kernel updates.
*1st/2nd/3rd - Redbrick runs the annual Adopt a Brick campaign for Rag Week.
[[Image:AdoptABrick.png | 300px | thumb | none | Adopt a Brick Stand 2011]]
*2nd - Redbrick holds a Boolette tournament. fun comes in first place with isaac702 in second. Total number of participants: 2.
*4th - Brief downtime for more Kernel updates.
*19th - Intervarsity Coding Contest takes place in TCD. bunbun and mak take first place.
*21st - Redbrick launches its new Web-boards @ [https://boards.redbrick.dcu.ie boards.redbrick.dcu.ie]
*23rd - The Helpdesk Candidate Exam is held in preparation for the upcoming AGM.
*24th - The Admin Candidate Exam is held in preparation for the upcoming AGM.
*25th - The Webmaster Candidate Exam is held in preparation for the upcoming AGM.
*25th-27th - 5 Teams from Redbrick travel to Cork for the IRLCPC Coding Contest. Team Blue Chalk (Bunbun, Paddez and Tiroskan) take third place.
*29th - Redbrick holds its Annual AGM in CG05. A new committee is elected.
  David Larkan (tziegler) and Carri Fuery (carri) ran. David Larkan was elected by a secret ballot.
  Lotta Mikkonen (attol) was the only candidate and was elected by a show of hands.
  Nina Hanzlikova (geekity) was the only candidate and was elected by a show of hands.
Events Officer:
  Ciaran McNally(mak) and Meabh Landers (timelady) ran. Ciaran McNally was elected by a secret ballot.
  Meabh Landers(timelady) was the only candidate and was elected by a show of hands.
  James Reilly (fun), Austin Halpin (haus), Craig Gavagan Mac Entee (creadak), Paul Bunbury (bunbun)
  and Shane Stacey (isaac702) ran. James Reilly, Austin Halpin and Paul Bunbury were elected by a secret ballot.
  Vadim Clyne-Kelly (vadimck) and Dan Fox (maiden) ran. Vadim Clyne-Kelly was elected by a secret ballot.
  Shane Stacey (isaac702) and Eimear Tyrrell (beimear) ran. Both were elected.
The position of First Year Rep will be filled at an EGM in October.
*5th- Brief downtime (on Ubuntu 10.04 servers) for Kernel updates.
*6th- Redbrick wins "Most improved society" at the DCU Society Awards.
*14th- The Annual Table Quiz takes place in the Nubar. Prices include; External Hard drives, RC Helicopters and Lucky Charms. The Raffle prize of an Android Tablet was won by Cindella.
*21st-23rd - Redbrick is taken offline due to maintenance to DCU's power systems. This opportunity is used to move [[Worf]] over to [[Azazel]] and to officially launch it as our primary login server.

Revision as of 00:57, 2 February 2011

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13th - Redbrick's new primary login server is ordered. 13th - Brief downtime from between 17:40 and 17:50 to update C libraries. 28th - Redbrick's new server arrives. Currently it remains unnamed. 28th - Migration of Redbrick's servers to Ubuntu 10.04 begins.










