30th - Redbrick goes to FOSDEM. People get drunk and sleep during the talks
8th Hoodies are supposed to be here. The topic starts.
13th Topic reaches max hoodie. "Happy birthday dever | Drinks in early June! | Are the hoodies here yet? Where are the hoodies??? DON'T HOOD OUT ON ME MAN!!!!! | Filmsoc now showing in LG1123: Oh Hoodie, Where Art Thou? | Thanks for ruining hoodie day guys | RESIGN | hooders gonna hood | Vote on May 22nd"
18th 40 days after hoodies are originally meant to arrive (and three days after they're next meant to arrive), hoodies finally arrive - But only the black ones.
25th A picture of the grey hoodies has surfaced, but they still haven't arrived.
7th - A redbrick member known as thegirl started her war on devoxel after he said too much on IRC.(tbh no one really remembers why it wasnt anything good anyway)
13th - Eventually, thegirl and devoxel resolved their differences after devoxel agreed to publicly let thegirl plaster makeup all over his face. (or so devoxel thinks - thegirl)
14th - Redbrick held an EGM and elected many important positions.
The new members are as follows:
Secretary: cac
Public Relations Officer: induxi0n
Events Organiser: thegirl
First Yr. Rep: ginger
31st - Redbrick organise talk. Halloween drinks are added for after. Talk is cancelled. Drinks are still a go. Somehow the Slipper was not booked *cough* "Zach from The Slipper" *cough*. Night ends with some committee in nubar, cac spills beer all over everyone and ten seconds later thegirl spills whiskey.
11th: Space gave his first redbrick talk!! And WAS NOT LATE!! butlerx almost lost 100 euro betting that Space would be late, Space was 4 minutes early!