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* 20th - [[B4]] is "modified" to take extra serial ports. Pictures to be posted to seeifixedit.com soon. Still in infinitely better condition then the machine it's replacing ([[Sprout|sprout]]).
* 20th - [[B4]] is "modified" to take extra serial ports. Pictures to be posted to seeifixedit.com soon. Still in infinitely better condition then the machine it's replacing ([[Sprout|sprout]]).
* 1st - Redbrick Members go to England and find that everything is cheaper. (Case in point: Burger, chips and a Vodka + coke for £4.95)
* 1st - Redbrick Members go to England and find that everything is cheaper. (Case in point: Burger, chips and a Vodka + coke for �4.95)
* 2nd - Travelling members go to Bletchley Park and are amazed by the whole place, also Craig Gavagan Mac Entee ( credak ) discovers that Alan Turing was Gay. credak is interested enough to investigate more. Later that night, Brickies congregate in Craig's room and make enough noise to annoy an uppity German across the hall, Chris gets his hair straightened and has make up put on him.
* 2nd - Travelling members go to Bletchley Park and are amazed by the whole place, also Craig Gavagan Mac Entee ( credak ) discovers that Alan Turing was Gay. credak is interested enough to investigate more. Later that night, Brickies congregate in Craig's room and make enough noise to annoy an uppity German across the hall, Chris gets his hair straightened and has make up put on him.
* 3rd - Brickies return from England, flight is delayed by about a half hour due to delayed flight coming from Dublin.
* 3rd - Brickies return from England, flight is delayed by about a half hour due to delayed flight coming from Dublin.

Revision as of 03:16, 17 October 2024

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  • 20th - New direct attached storage array arrives. Named Worf, to get back at lil_cain for giving us 2 years of terribly named machines. Since it doesn't actually have a hostname, this won't matter though.
  • 20th - B4 is "modified" to take extra serial ports. Pictures to be posted to seeifixedit.com soon. Still in infinitely better condition then the machine it's replacing (sprout).


  • 1st - Redbrick Members go to England and find that everything is cheaper. (Case in point: Burger, chips and a Vodka + coke for �4.95)
  • 2nd - Travelling members go to Bletchley Park and are amazed by the whole place, also Craig Gavagan Mac Entee ( credak ) discovers that Alan Turing was Gay. credak is interested enough to investigate more. Later that night, Brickies congregate in Craig's room and make enough noise to annoy an uppity German across the hall, Chris gets his hair straightened and has make up put on him.
  • 3rd - Brickies return from England, flight is delayed by about a half hour due to delayed flight coming from Dublin.
  • 5th - Redbrick goes down in order to move user files to the new faster storage array (Worf), logins return around 9 while web server remains down for a bit longer. Users gain more space for pronz files
  • 16th - Lotta Mikkonnen (Attol), David Glennon (Azrael) and Craig Gavagan Mac Entee (Credak) man the Redbrick Refreshers Day table and attract ~6/7 new people. Credak voluntarily spends most of the day in the infamous brick mascot.
  • 16th - Virtual machines are made available on a this-will-probably-asplode-at-any-moment-alpha basis. It rapidly begins asploding, but it's a huge step in the right direction.
  • 20th - Linux is put back on Murphy. Redbrick is free from Solaris \o/
  • 26th-28th - Redbrick visit Skynet to attend a series of talks. Speakers include Matt Zimmerman, David Coallier and Laura Czajkowski. Terran(Skynet) takes GW, Attol and Spanza on a tour of Limerick. Not much sleep is had on the nights due to partying and chatting. Tyrion(Skynet) abuses "Kevin". A random drunk dude who wandered into our booth in Costelloe's to have a nap. Maiden parties on down with Skynetters


  • 2nd - Admin training for 2010 begins with a session on shell scripting presented by Andrew Harford.
  • 8th - Start of Tech Week 2010:
 Monday, 1PM - Hackerspaces, Jeffrey Roe
 Monday, 8PM - Launch party, Nubar
 Tuesday, 6PM - Game Programming, Tom Cashman
 Tuesday, 7PM - Django, Eoghan Gaffney
 Tuesday, 8PM - Film, Strange Things
 Wednesday, 2PM - Past Multimedia Projects, Declan Tuite
 Wednesday, 4PM - Build Your Own PC, Sean Hand
 Wednesday, 5PM - QZar
 Thursday, 6PM - Sustainable Computing, Dave O'Connor, Google
 Thursday, 7PM - Ubuntu Ireland Community, Laura Czjakowski
 Thursday, 8PM - Strange Things Quiz
 Saturday - Robot Wars, NUIG
  • The Annual Redbrick Table Quiz was held, Prizes were 1st External Hard Drives, 2nd Sega Mega Drives, 3rd Nerf Guns, The raffle prize of a Dell Mini 10v was won by Andrew Harford. Debate Soc came first, again.


  • 15th - Annual AGM is held in CG04 with an amazing turnout. Resolution to reduce Helpdesk from three people to two people passes by a clear majority. Elections were held and the new committee was chosen.


 Lotta Mikkonen (attol) was the only candidate and was elected by a show of hands


 Nina Hanzlikova (geekity) was the only candidate and was elected by a show of hands

Events Officer:

 Emma Gallagher (emma) was the only candidate and was elected by a show of hands


 Carri Fuery (carri) was the only candidate and was elected by a show of hands


 James Reilly (fun) and Seamus Ronan (train) ran, both were elected


 Craig Gavagan Mac Entee (creadak) was the only candidate and was elected by a show of hands


 Paul Bunbury (bunbun) and Shane Stacey (isaac702) ran, both were elected.

The First Year Rep, Treasurer and the Third Admin will be elected at an EGM in October.


  • 12th - Servers are taken offline to prepare for the move to our new server room. Minerva, Morpheus and Worf are moved to ISS's server room in the library to maintain services during the downtime. The brick is "accidentally" destroyed in the process. Meeting room 3 becomes Redbrick storage.
  • 26th - Minerva, Morpheus and Worf are brought back online in their new home. Normal services are restored.


  • 16th - A new brick (costume) is created. It awaits a red covering of some kind.
  • 20th-24th - Orientation Week in DCU. Redbrick sets up a table in the hub. Heisenberg is put on show. Fun's laptop is used to show off Redbrick's services. Spam ensues in #lobby. Red paper is used to cover the brick as a stop gap solution, isaac702 models it.
  • 23rd - Our new server room is cleaned and organized. Meeting room 3 is no longer used as Redbrick storage.


  • 4th - Air-conditioning malfunctions in the server room. Data, Daniel and Carbon are temporarily taken offline.
  • 5th/6th - Clubs and Societies days. The 16th generation of redbrick members register. Ceiling Cat is brought out running a copy of the unreleased Redbrick Ubuntu 10.4. Fun's laptop is setup as a bridge to give Ceiling Cat access to the internet. DCU's LDAP server goes down. Panic ensues. Redbrick gains its 7000th member.
  • 7th - The Introduction to Redbrick tutorial is held. Followed by the Redbrick freshers ball in the Slipper. Attendance is decent at both. Cake is eaten.
  • 13th - EGM is held in QG21. Elections for the positions of Treasurer, Events Officer, Admin and First year rep are held.

First Year Rep:

Dave Larkan (tziegler) and Micheal Daly (mdaly) both ran. tziegler was elected by a show of hands.


Conor Forde (fordy) was the only candidate and was elected by a show of hands.

Events Officer:

Aisling Mulholland (crash) was the only candidate and was elected by a show of hands.

System Administrator:

Gautam Wadhwa (gw) and Austin Halpin (haus) both ran. haus was elected by a secret ballet.
  • 18th - Redbrick goes to the cinema (The Social Network) as its second Monday Social Night. Subsidized tickets are quickly allocated. Many more arrive for the event.
  • 19th - Linux install-fest takes place in LG26. Fun demonstrates. A surprisingly large number of people turn up to install Linux. Grub 2 fails...
  • 30th - Redbrick is taken offline as power testing takes place in the hub. Redbrick withdrawal symptoms set in amongst members due to the prolonged downtime.


  • 3rd - Redbrick's servers are brought back online as power testing in the hub is completed.
  • 11th - Redbrick is taken offline due to maintenance to the power systems in the hub.
  • 14th - Redbrick's servers are brought back online as maintenance to the system's in the hub is completed. Uptime is announced.


  • 1st onwards - Adverse weather conditions (Snow) curtail DCU's opening times and result in the cancellation of many Clubs and Society events.
  • 8th - The annual Christmas party is held in the Slipper with Booksoc, LGBT, Airsoft, Strange Things and GamesSoc.
  • 12th - This years set of Redbrick Hoodies arrive. geekity distributes.